While I am becoming more religious gradually, I still would not be classified Orthodox. That said, I realize my chances of finding a nice Jewish girl are lower than if I were Orthodox, but I was wondering where you guys think I could look without solely coming across SuperSluts? The girl does not have to live in an Ivory Tower, but I would prefer if she didn't have a history of dating half of Harlem, Liberal bias, or an afffinity for Hip-Hop. Any advice would be appreciated. 
I do not know where you live, but if their are real Jewish events in your area, attend them. Also it would be good to have a Rabbi that knows you and would be able to find a match for you. Being "more religious" is a process that everyone has to do, no matter what level one is in, everyone can and should grow and be better, but for starters at least you should do for yourself most importantly- and in addition to that show the girl that you are doing and willing to keep Shabb-t (the covenent between G-d and the nation of Israel) and Taharat Mishpacha (Family Purity, and also keeping away and being clean from all the sex crimes, etc.). In addition to that (I think you are probably already doing that), is to put on Tefillin every day one has to put it on, even if only for 5 minutes. Thats the good start and part of the covenent between G-d and the nation of Israel
T= Shabb-t Brit Tefillin
If one does that as for starters I think that it would definitly be good for many of the girls, even if they are more religious then you, and it would not be that much of a problem. I think that many of the girls would be willing to try it out with a guy who at least shows that he is trying and is doing these things at the very least.
As for you finding a girl. The more religious, usualy the better. I understand one would not want someone who is completly above and comes from a different mentality, etc. (and she would prob not want you). ......... (g2g will finish thought later).