One of the things that I have been trying to tell the readers of my website is that when the Politiks and the left leaning press says that Islam is a religion of peace they are of course lying, but it is a half lie if you think about it. Now, read on before you judge me, okay?
When they say that they are a religion of peace it is said in futuristic terms. What they are really saying is that when all of the infidels are either killed, converted or enslaved, then there will be peace in the world; peace by their standards of course.
This could mean only one thing. The Politiks and the press are sold out to the Muslims and they're trying to condition the public to believe that Islam is at present a religion of peace. They're practicing exactly what their first fuhrer taught; that if you tell a lie long enough, people will eventually believe it; and that they are apt to believe a big lie rather than a small lie. Islam is nothing but Naziism with new gift wrapping.
I applaud the makers of the JTF website for their efforts and I thank them for allowing me to join.
Shalom Alechiem!! David Ben Yakov