The species africanus americanus is 200000 years behind the white man and womam in the evoluntioary process. This is a fact. A small brain, the inability to calculate, aggression, crime prone, unable to function in a civilized society, these are the tell tale signs. It would be more humane if the white people built high tech reservations where we could fence in these poor bipeds, air drop them mac and cheese and burger king, along with free crack, herion, malt liquor, sterlized white women, like the kind you see on jerry springer and maury, kung fu DvDs, martin lucifer king pixs, etc. We can make a faux white town where the blacks can raid liquor stores and appliance stores. We could have gangsta rap videos play from every lampost, blareing 24 hrs. a day. We could send them DVDs of screwy louie's greatest speeches, we could send posters of black egyptians and black hebrews, and if they get bored, we could send them the greatest works of amiri baraka. Just think, white people will be free of this plague and the darkies will have everything they wanted.