I saw an elderly Jewish man looking for some directions or something in the parking lot of a grocery store, and I went to him and asked if I could help him out. He explained he was simply asking a guy a question and that I didn't need to be worried for him. Then he asked me if I had put Teffelin on today. I said I had not. He asked why I had not put Teffelin on today. I explained I do not own Teffelin, and I had never put Teffelin on as I have only been practitioner of Judaism for myself just over a year now. He asked if I wanted to put on Teffelin right there in the grocery store parking lot! I said, "I never pass on the chance to do a MITZVOTH!" - So we went to say prayers and do Teffelin for my first time.
On the way there we saw another older Jew and my new friend asked this man if he had done Teffelin, to which the answer was "YES OF COURSE, well not really I was just kidding its been decades". So my new friend and I petitioned this man to Teffelin his arm and say the prayers. After a bit of convincing this third man went through with it, and I saw what I would be doing.
Then it was my turn. My friend wrapped the little boxy thing up high on my arm, and then I wrapped my arm 6 times with the leather strap. I also traded my cap for a kippah, and wore the boxy thing that goes on one's forehead at the same time as Teffelin.
I think my Mom mailed me Teffelin for Channukah as well, but the package was lost in the mail ATM. When it does come I will know just what to do thanks to this Jew who practices "Chabad Judaism". He told me I should try out Chabad vs. the Reform temple I go to currently. I think I might like to do this.