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Jimmy Carter, The Father Of the Islamic Revolution of 1979 In Iran

Why America plotted the downfall of the modernizer Shah of Iran?
Why Jimmy Carter Sold Iran to the anti-US terrorist Mullahs?
Why America & Britain destroyed Iran and & turned Iran in to a living hell for 70 millions of Iranians?


jimmycarter-chaosTo understand what really happened in Iran & the role Jimmy Carter played in creating the world’s number of anti-US terrorist state
this book by Dr. Mike Evans is a MUST.

He ran against an unpopular war and president in the name of change, human rights, and hope.

The late Shah of Iran, America’s strongest Muslim ally whispered to his closest confidant, “Who knows what sort of calamity he may unleash on the world?”

He Provided political and financial sponsorship. . . checks of $150 million to Neauphle-le-Chateau outside Paris. . . while Khomeini plotted to kill the Shah of Iran and overthrow his nation. The French, British, and Germans agreed to support his plan.

An Air France jet loaded with terrorists and journalists delivered Carter’s holy man to Tehran.

On April Fools Day 1980 Ayatollah Khomeini, the godfather of world terror, proclaimed “the first day of the government of God,” thus giving birth to what is now known as radical Islam.

The fuse had been lit; the Russians invaded Afghanistan, and Iraq went to war with Iran, resulting in the deaths of over 2.3 million innocent Muslims. Bin Laden used the number of deaths in Iran,
Iraq, and Afghanistan to justify his insane attack on 9/11.

Carter poured $500 million into the Muslim Brotherhood, calling them freedom fighters. We now call them the Taliban and al Qaeda.

On Inauguration Day 1980 shortly after 4:00 AM he wire-transferred $7.9 billion in an attempt to buy back the hostages after 444 days of humiliation.

On Inauguration Day 2009 he released his Plan for Peace in the Holy Land to persuade President Obama to weaken Israel, America’s strongest ally in the Middle East; support terror regimes that have murdered scores of Americans and Israelis; and heed the call to divide Jerusalem, giving East Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority as its Islamic capital.

This is an appeasement plan that will not solve the problems in the Holy Land; it will instead unify and embolden radical Islam once again.

Dr. Michael D. Evans is one of America’s top experts on Israel and the Middle East. For over two decades he has been a personal confidant to many of Israel’s top leaders.

Dr. Evans is an award-winning journalist and has been published in the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, USA Today, The Washington Times, The Jerusalem Post, and newspapers throughout the world. He is a member of the National Press Club and has been covering events in the Middle East for decades.

Michael Evans is the author of eighteen books, including the #1 New York Times bestseller The Final Move Beyond Iraq, and New York Times bestsellers Beyond Iraq: The Next Move and The American Prophecies.

Millions around the world have seen his award-winning television documentaries on Israel based on his books. Dr. Evans is a top network analyst and is in constant demand. He has appeared on hundreds of network radio and television programs such as Fox, MSNBC, Nightline, Good Morning America, Crossfire,CNN World News, BBC, the Rush Limbaugh show, and others. Michael D. Evans has spoken to over 4,000 audiences worldwide. In the past decade alone, he has addressed more than one million people per year at public events, from the Kremlin Palace in Moscow to the World Summit on Terrorism in Jerusalem.

Jimmy Carter “Godfather of World Chaos”
See Mike Evan’s speech from minute 1.05 Must see


Jimmy Carter & Khomeini

Must see

Jimmy Carter, Father of the Islamic Revolution!? IRAN 1979 The result was magnificent!!! 8 years of needless war with over one million dead and many million injured for life. Cities and live destroyed as a result of the 8 year war but never rebuilt. 7 million refugees scattered around the world. Hundreds of thousands of executions, political assassinations, imprisonment, torture, Islamic approved rape of women before executions, amputation of limbs, eye extraction, stoning to death, public flogging hanging on cranes. The rise of the Islam fascism, Anti-Americanism, Hezbollah of Lebanon, suicide bombing, hostage taking, beheadings of the Americans, September the 11th, 2001. And now the prospect of crazy Mullahs with an atomic bomb at their disposal. In one word the total destruction
of Iranian nation as suggested by Professor Bernard Lewis of Britain.

Must see: Carter, Khomeini revolution! (640×480)

“What we did to the Shah of Iran is a black page in the history of America”. Ronald Reagan, the Governor of California, July 27th, 1980.

“In January of 1980, the four leaders of Britain, America, France and Germany met in Guadeloupe, France. They took a unified stand against the Shah of Iran. They wanted the Shah out and they
decided to support Khomeini’s revolution. They planted a time bomb and they did not grasp the reality until it was too late with its shrapnel all over Iran”. Those I have known by President Anwar Sadat of Egypt.

      “By overthrowing the Late Shah of Iran in 1979, Jimmy Carter is single handedly is responsible for the creation, unleashing and the spreading the virus of radical Islam, for which he should be

Mike Savage of Savage Nation.

Iran belongs to the followers of the 12th Imam & Shia Islam. Sooner the Shah of Iran & his regime is removed the better for all of us. We must do everything we can to empower the Shia religious leaders.
This will be better for everyone.
From Miss. S. K. Nancy Lambton’s remarks in the early 50’s.

Miss. S. K. Nancy Lambton was the British Press Attache in Iran in the early 40’s. She was instrumental in the overthrow and sending to exile of the founder of the Pahlavi Dynasty, Reza Shah the Great in 1941.

Reza Shah the Great was the father of the last Shah of Iran. S. K. Lambton identified, linked up and maintained great contact with over 75 terrorist Ayatollahs as well as many more anti-Shah elements
through out the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. Many of them including the mad Khomeini & Bazargan who later become the leaders of the British backed regressive revolution of 1979 in Iran.

Khomeini’s mass mess in Iran, the rise of the Islamic fascism, September the 11th and the war on terror is the direct result of the anti-Iran/ anti-Shah hostile policies of the greedy filthy Brits as well as Jimmy Carter & his criminal administration’s wrong doings in Iran in 1979.


To understand the role the Brit played in the creation & the rise of the Islamo-fascism, the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt in 1921, the creation of the Devotees of Islam in Iran in 1941 & the Khomeini revolution of 1979 one MUST read Hostage to Khomeini by Robert Dreyfuss.

This book, published in USA in 1982 by
Benjamin Franklin is banned in Britain ever since.


America & Britan’s oili revolution of 1979 in Iran.

Oil was the real reason for the west ditching the Shah of Iran. Please listen to the interview of the late Shah with Barbara Walters in 1977.

…The Truth Is Out …
for more info please click:

The overthrow of the late Shah of Iran in 1979 by Jimmy Carter & Britain was the great mistake of the 20th century. Iranians will not forget nor forgive.

Reza Pardisan, London.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03