The Falashmura of the 2000s, who had the Halachic status of
goyim, have converted
l'chumra and undergo Orthodox courses in Torah and mitzva observance. Whether most of them will live up to that giyur is yet to be seen.
Most of the Falashas of the 80s, as per R.Moshe Feinstein, had the status of
sofek yehudi (which nevertheless requires an "easy conversion"), unfortunately did not convert,
not even giyur l'kula, due to their being incited by infernal Israeli leftists, plus R.Ovadiya Yosef under political & financial pressure backing down that the Falashas didn't need require any geirus
at all, contrary to the Ashkenazic poskim.
Most Falashas from the 80s were given no education in Torah and mitzva observance, and many took on the worst of Israeli society, becoming criminals, jail inmates and druggies.
The death rate among Israeli Ethiopians is high, especially from obesity and diabetes. The Israeli diet is not good for them, them arriving nice and lean, and quickly becoming obese, which their small frames cannot take.
This is not to detract that they can make good soldiers, especially in the Mishmar Gevul. Sometimes
too good, as they are very obedient, even obeying bad orders. Many Ethiopian Black troops were ruthless in the front line during the Gaza Deportation, and in more recent expulsions.
The murder rate of Ethiopian wives by Ethiopian husbands is inordinate. But I know several Anglo mitnachlim in Yesha who are
very happy with their quiet and compliant husband-worshipping Falashmura wives. If you want an Ethiopian wife, get one as soon as possible after they arrive at the airport, before she becomes ruined by Israeli society!
Come to think of it, a good Ethiopian girl could be perfect for our Chayim, when B"H he comes to Israel!