Israel > Save Israel

How the Bolshevik Left in Israel attacks the JTF & Chairman Chaim Ben Pesach!!

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Hasnt all this trouble in Israel with the LEFT started after the influx of mass immigration from Russia [USSR}. Before this Israel had a more homogeneous state !

Aww, the video was removed. I was hoping to see that attack, as Chaim has similar views to me.


--- Quote from: OnceNDone on September 28, 2011, 12:52:10 PM ---Aww, the video was removed. I was hoping to see that attack, as Chaim has similar views to me.

--- End quote ---

Its incredibly ironic that this topic was about smear campaigns on zootube as 4international aka joshua rosenberg is now one of the biggest producers of anti chaim vids and hate vids and jtf smear vids on zootube, even owning multiple accounts.


Hello Dear

I think leftists are pretty much the same everywhere.   They oppose the concept of a Jewish ethnic state and they oppose the concept of any white (goyish) ethnic states.  On the one hand they encourage the more intelligent peoples to cease having children (due to "overpopulation") but, on the other hand, they bow to the power of demography and accept the fact that less intelligent peoples (mainly "people of color" and Arabs) have more children and will, eventually, crowd out the former.

Mishmaat adds: People who promote the Nazi doctrine of Islam should be banned immediately. ADMINS BAN THIS IDIOT PROMPTLY!


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