Have you guys seen the 2010 census form. Look at what they consider to be races. Personally, if Mexican, Puerto Rican, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hawaiian, Filipino... are all different races then I would have to choose "Other".
8. Is Person 1 of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano
Yes, Puerto Rican
Yes, Cuban
Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin — Print origin, for example,
Argentinean, Colombian, Dominican, Nicaraguan, Salvadoran, Spaniard, and so on. C
9. What is Person 1’s race? Mark X one or more boxes.
Black, African Am., or Negro
American Indian or Alaska Native — Print name of enrolled or principal tribe.
Asian Indian
Other Asian — Print race, for
example, Hmong, Laotian, Thai,
Pakistani, Cambodian, and so on. C
Native Hawaiian
Guamanian or Chamorro
Other Pacific Islander — Print
race, for example, Fijian, Tongan,
and so on.
Some other race — Print race.