I will say this....
I am a Jew. I want to follow Torah.
However, I will never accept that a group of Rabbis, whether from my generation or not is capable of deciding for me one way or the other regarding either the meaning of Torah, or whether my adherence to Torah is "Good enough".
To criticize a Rabbi is NOT the same as spitting on the Torah, and it is ridiculous to suggest that the Rabbanim should EVER be considered "Living Torahs". The will and decrees of the Rabbanim is NOT the same as what was written over 3000 years ago. And much of it directly from HaShem.
To me, as long as I study...my OWN opinion is worth as much as any Rabbis.
If I were to become a Rabbi, my OWN opinion would still be as worth as much as ANY of the Sages. I would have studied the same material as they did, contemplated the same questions...and I doubt sincerely that my brain is somehow inferior, that my spiritual state and inner mind is somehow inferior to those of the sages of old.
They were men who studied Torah and had opinions, the same as I am a man and have opinions. Provided I've studied as stated above...then would I too be considered a "Living Torah"

Heaven forbid that any man could claim such a thing.