I took something from our enemies and made it mine. And if they don't like it, let them be so bold as to try and take it. jibber jabber on why it's important to them. I do have to laugh that in Zodiac terms I happen to be a "Leo" [some think the symbol started by representing the Babylonian "House of Leo", whatever that nonsense is], which means very little to me, but I do like lions [of Judah especially!] so its the least objectionable Zodiac sign. - However the time of the year when "Leo" takes place is considered to be an inauspicious time for Jews, so I wouldn't hesitate to trade [it always rains on my birthday... why!?].
Aside from all things Islam, I like Persian history and culture. So did Alexander; were he alive in Mohamed's time... one can imagine the bone crushing defeats Mohamed would have been punished with.

A more traditional representation. I am biased towards my rendition...