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Ask JTF for February 21, 2010
Shaloooom Borther Chaim,
As you know, I have a Shall we say, a disagreement with deform temples and conservative "synagogues"
My best defense against these cults is that the children do not go and they are dying congregations.
However, it is brought to my attention that the conservative bnai jeshurun in New York City has many many young followers. To add to that many congregations in NYC such as the Yong Israel, the mean age there is 45-50 , even with me being there.
I think maybe Judaism is just dying here in America. This needs to be addressed weather or not you agree. The Rabbis of today do not bring up relative issues like Kahane did such as moving to Israel and the mussie situation. The other week, the Parasha of the ten commandments would have been ideal for my Rabbi to bring this topic up.( by the way I'm not the only one in Jewish congregations that is fed up with this, just the only one that speaks out to the other conragants) I was hoping for the Rabbi to bring it up, but of course didn't.
Please Chaim give us you thoughts and what you think we should do. I feel the congregations need to pressure the Rabbis to talk about more realistic and relative Jewish issues like Kahane did. With a strong organized groups like JTF
I know it can be done.
Dear Reb Chaim and all!
Sorry for my absence over the past year. I had and still have personal issues that I’m dealing with, as you know.
With your comments about it being a sin to live in the exile and outside Israel, many Chassidic and chareidi Jews disagree and quote from rabbainal scholars and Torah to the contrary.
It’s astounding.
I went on holiday and had the Shabbat seudot with some Satmar Chassidim and they were mocking & putting down Rabbis like Rav Melamed and Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu shilita and Chevron’s Rav Dov Lior when I told them I go according to them not the anti-Zionist rabbis.
They asked me who gave them semicha etc. and questioned their suitability. They were very disrespectful and disparaging to these gedolim. They argued emphatically that many rabbis live outside Israel – ‘great’ rabbanim and Torah sages and they quoted all over saying it is not a sin, and one must not say it’s a sin. I couldn’t argue much as I lack knowledge. One guest, from Belgium! – but a very scholarly Jew - said it’s disputable if it’s a mitzvah.
They told me I shouldn’t go to live in Israel, even as the family’s two sons live there. I at the table congratulated them for living there.
Thanks and I appreciate your support for me at this time,
Spiraling Leopard:
Hello Chaim,
communism failed in russia, but could you say that communism works out pretty well in china?
Thank you,
Do you see a hypocrisy in the republican party? For example: they complain about obama wants big government and to raise taxes (which is true), but republican politicians, as well as conservative media pundits did not argue against Bush's big gov't. Bush gave bailouts as well as increased the role of Government and increased taxes as well.
another example: Obama wants to give the underwear bomber a civilian trial ( which i believe should be a military tribunal), a lot of republicans are complaining about this, but where were they when Bush gave the shoe bomber a civilian trial? If Obama is doing the wrong thing then bush is wrong for the same reasons.
Shalom chaim
I have to say I am following this story of the assassination of the Hamas leader with great interest. I have no doubt the Mossad did it, afterall who else would go to the lengths they did to kill a Hamas official and who else would get passports of Brits, Germans, and Irish folks living in Israel. This reminds me of the days of the Israel we used to admire even if it was led by secular socialists. The Israelis who kidnapped Eichman from Argentina and did not give a damn who liked it or didn't (from what I have read Abba Eban was furious that they used his plane without his knowledge), the Israel that won the six day war, the Israel that redeemed its captives from Entebbe etc. etc.
Of course some self hating Jews are complaining but for once I am enjoying them complaining instead of us. I think we need to give the devil his due and congratulate Nethanyahu on this. That does not mean we will be any less against him for his actions against the Jews of Judea and Samaria but for one day we support his action.
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