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U.S. schoolbook glorifies communists
« on: February 17, 2010, 06:45:07 PM »

A book for high-school students glorifies communists, socialists and at least one activist who has called for "resistance" against the U.S. government, WND has learned.

The work, "Americans Who Tell the Truth," has been used in schools across the U.S., according to its author. The book, however, does not inform readers of the extremist backgrounds of the personalities upheld as heroes.

Robert Shatterly, creator of the book project, told WND the work features portraits and brief descriptions of dozens of personalities who are "role models for citizenship in the attempt to win democracy."

Shatterly said his book, and a related traveling art exhibit featuring the same personalities, have been featured in many U.S. schools. He also posted an online curriculum for educators to teach American history through the lives of the personalities in his book.

Kathleen Jackson, who teaches 7th and 8th grades at Marin Country Day School in California, said she has used the book for her students.

In an e-mail interview with WND, Jackson said she is pleased with the reaction of children who read "Americans Who Tell the Truth."

"Once (students) enter the book, see the faces and read the personal beliefs and biographies of those Rob has painted, a new world begins to open for them," Jackson said. "They ask about strip mining, war, pesticides, corporations, freedom of speech, racism.

"Students, people of all ages, need to be aware of others in our society who see the truth, tell the truth and take action when the truth is damaging the environment, the impoverished, and the oppressed, and when bombs, guns and steel bars are imposed on innocent and desperate people," Jackson told WND.

Among the personalities glorified in the book are anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan and Pete Seeger, a singer and communist activist.

The book, however, does not describe the radicalism of the subjects who are upheld as heroes. Among those are:

    * Noam Chomsky, whom the book identifies only as an academic and "political activist – a role he vigorously assumed as an early and outspoken critic and protester of the Vietnam War."

      The book does not state Chomsky is a radical activist who has openly championed communism and has routinely made solidarity visits with enemies of the U.S.
    * Amy Goodman, host of the online news network Democracy Now. The book only identifies the network as "free of all corporate underwriting" and does not inform readers Democracy Now is a far-left network that has taken a pro-socialist stance.

    * Edward Said, a professor and Palestinian activist. The book states Said's "activism exiled him from Israel and Palestine for most of his life and provoked criticism in this country."

      However, the book did not state Said expressed solidarity with Palestinian "resistance" against Israel, or that he once was a member of the Palestinian National Council but broke away because he thought PLO Leader Yasser Arafat was too moderate.
    * Rachel Corrie, an American activist who died as a human shield while attempting to prevent Israeli forces from demolishing the home of a Palestinian pharmacist. The book states Corrie was a member of the International Solidarity Movement, or ISM, but doesn't identify the group other than to state, "The ISM, founded in 2001, looks worldwide for people to help with their nonviolent protests against the Israeli military in the West Bank," states the book.

      The ISM also has been accused of interfering in Israeli anti-terror operations, serving as human shields to protect terrorists and even harboring wanted terrorists in their offices.
    * Ella Baker, a little known human rights firebrand. The book states Baker "spent her life working behind the scenes to organize the Civil Rights Movement." The book does not inform readers Baker was a known socialist activist. WND previously reported on Baker's close ties to the Weather Underground domestic terrorist organization.

    * Van Jones, who served as President Obama's "green jobs czar" until he resigned in September after it was exposed he founded a communist revolutionary organization and signed a statement that accused the Bush administration of possible involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Jones also called for "resistance" against the U.S.

Succeeding revelations about Jones by WND included:

    * Jones previously served on the board of an environmental activist group at which a founder of the Weather Underground terrorist organization is a top director.

    * He was co-founder of a black activist organization that led a campaign prompting major advertisers to withdraw from Glenn Beck's top-rated Fox News Channel program.

      The revelation followed Beck's reports on WND's story about Jones' communist background.
    * Jones and other White House appointees may have been screened by an ACORN associate.

    * One day after the 9/11 attacks, Jones led a vigil that expressed solidarity with Arab and Muslim Americans as well as what he called the victims of "U.S. imperialism" around the world.

    * Just days before his White House appointment, Jones used a forum at a major youth convention to push for a radical agenda that included spreading the wealth and "changing the whole system."

    * Jones' Maoist manifesto while leading the group Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM, was scrubbed from the Internet after being revealed by WND.

    * Jones was the main speaker at an anti-war rally that urged "resistance" against the U.S. government – a demonstration sponsored by an organization associated with the Revolutionary Communist Party.

    * In a 2005 conference, Jones characterized the U.S. as an "apartheid regime" that civil rights workers helped turn into a "struggling, fledgling democracy."

    * Jones signed a petition calling for nationwide "resistance" against police, accusing them of using the 9/11 attacks to carry out policies of torture.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Historical Truth

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Re: U.S. schoolbook glorifies communists
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2010, 08:29:41 PM »
Of course. Indoctrination of the Young has always been a Leftist tactic.