just because these Jews do rap music and express themselves using that medium doesnt mean they arent proud to be Jews, or proud of their Jewish culture. If you listen to one of the songs, the music sampled is from an Israeli (mizrachit) melody, and they added the hip hop percussion. I personally think it sounds great, as well as loving the message! i doubt you guys commenting actually listened to the lyrics, because if you did you wouldnt call these Jews "evil".
Now as far as judging any artist based on the genre of music they choose to express themselves with...this is simply immature and wrong. Only Hashem can and will judge man. And furthermore, how can you compare evil people like the Nazi's with rappers?? Angry chinese kahanist, you're going waaaay over board with your analogies buddy! and honestly its pretty disgusting for you to compare an artform that you personally dont like, with the nazi's. its absurd and offensive to all Jews who have family that died in the Holocaust, such as myself. so i suggest u ease up on your stupid analogies and grow up a bit! and also, there's no such thing as a perfect human being! Every human has the evil inclination (yetzer hara) in them. read the Tanach and the Talmud and then talk to me about human nature. are you even Jewish? never met a Chinese Jew before, so I doubt it.