Israel > Save Israel

ANOTHER Jerusalem "Gay Pride" Parade - Here we go again!

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--- Quote from: ben6550 on October 10, 2006, 06:28:27 AM ---it's opening your eyes to things around you and helping other people enjoy life. What do homosexuals do to you? Why do you have a problem with them? It has nothing at all to do with you what they do. Who cares what the big book of deleted says? We're in the 21st century, people have equal rights and people are happy.

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Homosexuals really don't bother me at all what does bother me is all the activism and proselytizing that has become the norm in society and  schools today. Influencing young people to believe that this is an alternative lifestyle is not acceptable to me and thats where I loose sympathy for the gay comunity.

why is it not a normal lifestyle? give me one good reason that has nothing to do with the book of lies


--- Quote from: ben6550 on October 10, 2006, 06:43:52 AM ---why is it not a normal lifestyle? give me one good reason that has nothing to do with the book of lies

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Refrain from calling the Torah a book of lies you may not agree with it but it is not a book of lies. Look a person does not need the Torah or any other holy book to see that the gay lifestyle is not the norm Male female relationships are intended by nature for the replacement of the species. This is what is normally intended.

i suppose you disagree that people are born gay, yet not actually being gay or experiencing it yourself?


--- Quote from: ben6550 on October 10, 2006, 07:07:01 AM ---i suppose you disagree that people are born gay, yet not actually being gay or experiencing it yourself?

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No I will not dispute that statement. I believe it most likely to be the case however it still does not make the lifestyle normal.


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