In your opinion is it a 'sin' to criticize Ravs Ovadiya Yosef, Eliezer Shach, Belzer Rebbe, Norman Lamm, Immanuel Jakobovits, Jonathan Sacks, Nafatali Elzas, Berel Wein, Nathan Cardozo, Cyril Harris, Noach Weinberg, Michael Melchior, Menachem Porush etc etc etc just because they are 'Ravs', remembering that they all publicly voted for, supported & vocalised the handing over parts of Eretz Yisrael to Yishmaelim, thus not only in violation of a severe Torah prohibition, but even worse, undermining the morale of the Am Yisrael & putting the whole yishuv in danger?
If Rav Kahane was alive in 1993, he would spoken as 'bad' about them as he spoke 'bad' about Rabin & Peres & Sharon & Aloni & Sarid!
In the Orthodox Israeli rabbinical world, Metzger is viewed as being very paltry indeed, especially in Torah knowledge. He slipped through to become Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi through political opportunism and 'mazal', rather than through merit.
Here Metzger hands together with his equally paltry Sefard counterpart an expensive gift in grovelling obeisance to the Pontiff of Rome!