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Is this health care takeover a form of Divine punishment?

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There's more than a few conservative/ Bible-believing Christian pastors who note this Tanach verse, Genesis 12:3, with God speaking to Abraham:  "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you."

AND those same pastors often note that bad things seem to happen to the United States whenever the USA crosses modern Israel.  For instance, I vaguely recall GWB forcing Israel back to negotiations with their enemies, only to have Hurricane Katrina hit in only a few days.

Now, to my point:  After the static from Biden, et al, about the apartment construction in Jerusalem last week, I wonder if God's response was to permit the passage of that awful health care takeover.

Does anybody have any genuinely prayerful thoughts about this?


I don't think it's fair that the good people of America, who are in general much less secular than even most of the people who claim to be religious in Europe, are suffering because of the bad people.

We are being punished for our stupidity in giving carte blanche to a self-proclaimed Marxist. 

And its not just Health care

In just 1 year.  Obama has socialized Banking,Financial Insurance, Auto Manufacturing, and now Health Care.

We have fallen from being the model for freedom to a country now rated below Canada in terms of economic freedom.

He has created more debt in 2 years than our government had created in 20 years before.

Our children and our grandchildren are going to be suffering horribly for this.


It probably is a punishment.
We were attacked by Islamafilth on 9/11 then we elect a muslim pig for president.
Why did we fight Gods will?

"We" didn't do it. It was the libtards, "Muslim-Americans", [censored], and La Raza folks that elected him.


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