Author Topic: Next cramdown on taxpayers? It's amnesty and it's ba-a-ck!  (Read 1004 times)

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Next cramdown on taxpayers? It's amnesty and it's ba-a-ck!
« on: March 30, 2010, 10:30:08 PM »

A former member of Congress says last weekend's shooting death of an Arizona rancher on his own land is what will happen more and more unless America takes back its own borders – even as President Obama makes promises that ultimately could reward those who break federal laws to gain entrance to the U.S.

Former Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., now chairman of the Rocky Mountain Federation and co-chairman of TeamAmericaPac, told WND today, "Janet Napolitano lied and Rob Krentz died."

He was referring to police reports in Arizona that said Krentz was found shot to death late Saturday on the Arizona ranch that had been run by his family for more than 100 years. Officers are investigating it as a homicide and believe he was shot with a 9mm gun allegedly stolen from a nearby ranch. He had radioed to his brother a reference to an illegal alien on his property before his radio went silent.

"I believe this," Tancredo told WND. "Every single person who has worked so hard to keep those borders open, the president, in Congress and at every level of government – these people have blood on their hands."

Obama's latest promises on immigration came as Congress passed his unprecedented takeover of health care – the effective nationalization of some 17 percent of the nation's economy.

(Story continues below)


"I have always pledged to be your partner as we work to fix our broken immigration system, and that's a commitment I reaffirm today," he said in a video message to open-borders supporters rallying in Washington the same day Congress approved "Obamacare."

Read the details how the next election could be stolen, using amnesty, universal registration and a consolidated power grab!

Tancredo had been en route to the border area to visit Krentz and others who have been dealing first-hand with the impact of smuggling – both human and drugs – from Mexico across their land.

He said details about Krentz's death remain sketchy, but the underlying cause of such violence isn't a surprise to him.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano insists U.S. borders are secure, Tancredo said, but "the violence in Arizona is beginning to reach the level of some states in Mexico."

"The violence is here. Our borders are not secure, they can never be secure unless you have the military there," he said.

Tancredo said Democrats view illegal aliens as votes, and too many Republicans see the illegals as cheap laborers.

But he argued national boundaries are there for a reason, as are federal requirements to obtain immigration documentation through proper procedures. The consequences of not enforcing those laws are harsh, he warned.

"We will suffer, and people will die," he said.

Border-enforcement advocates such as Vision America fear legislation that could grant a "path to citizenship" for millions of people who have broken federal law to enter the U.S.

"The system 'broke' when Washington stopped enforcing our immigration laws and winked at millions of illegals that streamed across our borders every year," the group said. "Now, the president would 'fix' the problem by [making] millions of border-jumpers into citizens who doubtless will return the favor by becoming Democratic voters."

Sens. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., proposed legislation that apparently included amnesty. However, Graham suddenly dropped his support, saying instead that Obama should produce a bill and bring it before Congress if he wants the issue addressed.

Vision America said amnesty is critical to the Obama administration, because the "left is desperately in need of new voters who will march in lockstep to the drumbeat of big government. That's why they're eager to legalize an estimated 11 million illegal aliens (8 million of them potential voters), bestow citizenship on them and get them to the polls."

Tancredo said  he has "no doubt whatsoever" that Obama's next agenda item will be amnesty.

"Don't forget, Barack Obama will do anything – anything – in order to make this country a better place in his socialist system," Tancredo said.

WND previously reported on the violence that is an everyday occurrence in Mexico and which Tancredo said was becoming more present in southwestern American cities.

Drug-related bloodshed killed more than 4,400 people across Mexico in a year – a body count that could be compared to the U.S. military death toll in Iraq since March 20, 2003.

The Mexican crime syndicate deaths have been especially hideous. Bodies riddled with bullets is routine; one man was handcuffed and decapitated and his body was put in a plastic bag hanging from a bridge. His head was found in a nearby plaza. Drug criminals also murdered a 5-year-old boy by injecting acid into his heart.

Statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, several years ago documented that about 12 Americans are murdered daily by illegal aliens.

Concerned about the impact of illegal aliens on the United States? Don't miss Tom Tancredo's book, "In Mortal Danger: The Battle for America's Border and Security"

WND also reported when Eliseo Medina, the international executive vice-president of Obama-supporting Service Employees International Union, said, "We reform the immigration laws, it puts 12 million people on the path to citizenship and eventually voters."

During an appearance just months ago, he said, during the presidential election in November 2008, Latinos and immigrants "voted overwhelmingly for progressive candidates. Barack Obama got two out of every three voters that showed up."

"Can you imagine if we have, even the same ratio, two out of three? Can you imagine 8 million new voters who care about our issues and will be voting? We will be creating a governing coalition for the long term, not just for an election cycle."

According to William Gheen, of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, the plan isn't that complicated. Democrats will work to make all illegal aliens eligible for health care and citizenship to make them voters.

He said the 2007 amnesty proposal under President Bush failed but the new plan is on an aggressive path to the president's desk.

Gheen warned the situation could become much worse than simply a huge number of new voters being groomed by one political party.

"We're in the legalization phase [now]," he said. "In a reparations phase they would use minority voting blocs to extract exorbitant amounts of taxation out of taxpayers," he said. "When that stone will give no more blood, then we expect it to go to the autonomy phase."

That would be when concerns that southwestern United States could be reclaimed by Mexico could become reality.

Columnist Michelle Malkin reported on the Krentz death, and participants in her website forum were more than alarmed.

"The MSM and the politicians won't care," wrote one. "He was just an old white guy in the way of cheap labor and future Democratic voters."

"If stuff like this is going on … I say 'lock 'n' load,'" added another.

"As the Democrats prepare to take up immigration – aka, increase the roll of new Democrat voters – the media will continue abet the Left by ignoring the detrimental state of America’s southern border," said a third.

Added another, "Obama hopes to welcome these people into our country with open arms. I predict, here and now, that illegal immigration will be one of Mr. Obama's next big pushes, and it will be his political suicide."

At the left-leaning Center for American Progress, however, a commentary praised the idea of "immigration reform," and said such actions would "add a cumulative $1.5 trillion to the U.S. gross domestic product over 10 years."

"In the program's first three years, tax revenues would increase from $4.5 billion to $5.4 billion and generate enough new consumer spending to support 750,000 to 900,000 jobs in the United States. The real wages of workers – U.S. born and immigrants – will also rise under comprehensive immigration reform," the report claimed.

In a recent published commentary, Tancredo said, "Ordinary citizens didn't buy it in 2005 when George Bush and the Republican Party establishment tried to sell amnesty. Grass-roots Republicans rebelled, and the Minutemen put a big media spotlight on the cross-border traffic in Arizona, Texas and California. Millions of Americans said, 'First, secure the borders!'

"In 2006 and 2007, so-called bipartisan amnesty legislation was killed in Congress because ordinary Americans took the time to read it and demanded it be defeated," he said.

"The upcoming amnesty battle in Congress will be brutal. In winning the health-care vote, Obama has tasted blood, and he likes it. Democrats in Congress may be willing to fall on their sword for amnesty after all, now that the November election looks like a disaster anyway."

But he wondered "if the amnesty lobby will use the same dirty tricks and phony accounting to sell amnesty as they used to sell Obamacare."

"The answer is yes. And they will play the race card again and again. If you oppose amnesty, you will be discredited as a bigot," he warned.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt