Author Topic: Max Boot is a Kapo  (Read 573 times)

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Offline Maimonides

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Max Boot is a Kapo
« on: March 31, 2010, 12:05:03 PM »
Last week during the Petraeus debate we had on this board, I remember people bringing up the historian Max Boot. While his historical works are a good source of historical information, people should be advised on his personal commentaries, because he is a "neo-con" who supports the false concept of spreading democracy to the so-called "Moderate" muslim world.

Boot was born in 1969 in Moscow.[4]  His parents, both Russian Jews, later emigrated from the Soviet Union to Los Angeles, where he was raised.[4]  Boot earned a Bachelor's Degree in History from the University of California, Berkeley in 1991, and a Master's Degree in Diplomatic History from Yale University in 1992.[1]  He started his journalistic career writing columns for the Berkeley student newspaper The Daily Californian.[5]  He later stated that he believes he is the only conservative writer in that paper's history.[5]  Boot and his family currently live in New York City.............
Boot is a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, a contributing editor to The Weekly Standard, a weekly columnist for the Los Angeles Times, and a regular contributor to other publications such as The Washington Post and The New York Times.[1]  He blogs for Commentary Magazine  on its page Contentions.[6]  He serves as a consultant to the U.S. military  and as a regular lecturer at U.S. military institutions such as the Army War College and the Command and General Staff College.[1].........

From May 14 to 17 2009, Boot attended a meeting of the Bilderberg group in Vouliagmeni, Greece. [1]

During the 2009 Gaza War, Max Boot criticized Israel for using too much force and insisted Israel must imitate America in Iraq and Afghanistan by tying its hands behind its back.

he Russians have inflicted World War II-level carnage in Chechnya since the mid-1990s, and they don't care what anybody else says.

But Israel is not Russia -- or Algeria or Burma or Syria or any other state that has taken a scorched-earth approach to counterinsurgency in recent decades. Israel is a liberal democracy in the modern age whose military operations are conducted under the intense scrutiny of lawyers, judges, opposition politicians, reporters and human-rights activists. And those are just its own internal watchdogs. To these must be added the "international community," which monitors Israeli actions with a degree of interest and antipathy reserved for no other state in the world.............

Israelis have to discard Gen. Douglas MacArthur's famous maxim: "War's objective is victory -- not prolonged indecision. In war there is no substitute for victory." They will have to settle for a substitute because from their standpoint "prolonged indecision" is better than the alternatives -- the annihilation of themselves, which would be unthinkable, or of their enemies, which would be unconscionable.

Now Max Boot defends General Petraeus blood libel remarks, and compares those who criticize General Petraeus to Pat Buchanan type pseudo-conservatives.


I’ve probably given West and her ilk more attention than they deserve because their work is so utterly inconsequential and uninfluential. But I do believe there is a duty to police one’s own ideological precincts, and because West & Co. claim to be conservatives, I think it is important for conservatives to condemn their extremist rhetoric — as has previously happened with Pat Buchanan, Joe Sobran, and other right-wing embarrassments.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2010, 12:10:11 PM by Maimonides »
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