Author Topic: Immigration group: Look at Census to round up illegals!  (Read 1209 times)

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Immigration group: Look at Census to round up illegals!
« on: April 07, 2010, 05:03:53 PM »

An organization that supports legal immigration and fights illegal entry into the United States says a crackdown on that activity could be made simple with data being supplied to the 2010 Census  campaign.

"We'd like for Congress to pass a special bill demanding that the census data be used," William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, told WND this morning.

"The alarm that needs to be raised is that every illegal alien that fills out the census is stealing taxpayer resources and political representation."

ALIPAC works on behalf of the public's desire for more control over illegal immigration. Polls show three in four Americans want more done to address the problem while politicians in Washington take the opposite view.

What is "alarming," the organization said, "is the disparity between our current laws and what is actually happening in the country. Illegal immigration is exactly as the title implies; it's illegal. If three fourths of America's legal citizens want illegal immigration curtailed and laws are in place to facilitate their wishes through a constitutional democracy, then why is America experiencing the largest population increase through illegal immigration in our history?"

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The organization today announced it is asking tens of thousands of constituents to start calling members of Congress – "asking for a new law that would allow U.S. Census data to be used to detect, detain, and deport illegal immigrants who fill out the 2010 Census."

(Story continues below)


"Our federal government has a constitutional responsibility to enforce our existing immigration laws and those laws state that it is unlawful to encourage or assist an illegal alien to remain unlawfully in the U.S.," Gheen said.

"Therefore, we are asking Congress to pass new legislation to block the Obama administration's current efforts, which are encouraging illegal aliens to use the American census to steal more taxpayer resources and diminish representation for legal Americans."

WND messages seeking comment from the Census Bureau did not generate a reply, and an e-mail request to the White House for a comment also was not returned.

Census director Robert Groves

Gheen explained there are various promotions – such as Spanish-language ads – encouraging illegal immigrants to fill out the census to bring more taxpayer resources to the region where they live.

Since the census also is used to allocate congressional seats, such responses also would bring more longterm political influence to regions heavily populated with illegal aliens, he said.

"It is a felony for illegal aliens to register or vote in elections, thus counting illegal aliens and using their unlawful presence to assign more congressional seats to states is theft of representation from lawful Americans," the ALIPAC announcement explained.

"Multi-million dollar groups like La Raza want illegal aliens counted by the census because they want more political power," Gheen said. "Americans will not stand for the theft of our nation and this corruption of our laws to the extent that millions of illegal aliens will gain 18 members of Congress, if fully counted and allowed to remain in the U.S.!"

He noted that the average congressional district now includes about 647,000 people. The addition of an estimated 12 million illegal aliens in America would equal the political power of 18 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, he said.

"Each illegal alien counted by the census without deportation will take away taxpayer resource allocation and congressional representation from one legal American citizen," Gheen said. "We want Congress to take action now to authorize and require the use of census data collected to identify illegal aliens, exclude them from the census count for tax resources and congressional redistricting, and to detain and deport those found in violation of our immigration laws."

Along with urging citizens to call their representatives, ALIPAC is working with U.S. House members to pass the legislation.

"We are raising the public awareness that when an illegal alien fills out a census form, they are stealing tax resources from other [legal] Americans and their very representation in Congress," Gheen said.

He said the Obama administration appears to be in violation of the law by encouraging illegal aliens to participate in the census.

"What are Americans to do when the president is violating the very federal law he's sworn to uphold," Gheen asked.

It would not be the first time such action was based on census data.

In a 2000 report in the New York Times, Steven Holmes wrote about a research project that revealed the Census Bureau identified concentrations of people of Japanese ancestry in various city blocks and even loaned a senior Census Bureau official to work with the War Department on the relocation program of Americans of Japanese descent following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor.
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