Author Topic: Fruit & Veg diet doesnt prevent Cancer (Y'sh) according to new research  (Read 2656 times)

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Re: Fruit & Veg diet doesnt prevent Cancer (Y'sh) according to new research
« Reply #25 on: April 12, 2010, 10:24:52 AM »
I think everyone is being a bit too defensive of their own personal diet to give the original thought much consideration. The point being made is not whether eating fruits and vegs are healthy... The point is that genetics play an even greater role than environmental issues like diet, etc... Everyone is claiming that their diet will prevent them from getting cancer and it seems that this conclusion is not exactly true.

I have an uncle who eats healthy, plays tennis and exercises every day, has never been overweight and goes to the doctor regularly for check ups. He developed a prostate cancer.... It is this cancer, and the other cancers in my family, which I am concerned about.

Once again there is no argument that fruit and veg diet will lead to more health in the long run.... But if there is a genetic cancer in your family then all the healthy food in the world will not prevent it... The same kind of thing happens with heart disease... Remember that many healthy people have died from heart attacks or strokes.

Okay, you may be genetically predisposed to certain forms of cancer but I believe that leading a healthy lifestyle will prolong the onset and allow your body to better deal with it, if it occurs.

At the end of the day people have control over their environment and their diet but not their genetics. So take control of the things that you can take control of and hopefully give yourself an edge.
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Offline New Yorker

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Re: Fruit & Veg diet doesnt prevent Cancer (Y'sh) according to new research
« Reply #26 on: April 12, 2010, 11:01:27 AM »

Oh sure, when I say it, not a peep, when Chaim says it, everybody chimes in on how they agree!  :::D

What kind of comment is this?  I got to the thread 11 comments in.  If you also said the same thing as Chaim, congratulations would you like a cookie?

And in actuality, now that you've caused me to read your comment, you did NOT say the same thing as Chaim:
Don't know what effect the healthy food has on avoiding cancer, but I am sure there's a huge list of maladies you will be spared of if you eat properly.

What kind of comment is this? It's a comment that you don't pay attention until it comes from Chaim, I put it up with a good natured laugh, but take any way you'd like.

You missed entirely what I wrote.

I asked what kind of comment is this, referring to your latest - not the one that came earlier in the thread.   In other words, what kind of comment is it for someone to write that people "ignored" him but agreed with Chaim, complaining that you didn't get some kind of "credit" for what you wrote?   If people agree with Chaim, and Chaim agrees with you, then they agree with you too.   Like I said, do you want a cookie?    What you wrote (The 2nd time around, when you complained) is not a useful comment, it is petty. 

Actually I did say essentially the same thing, the gist of what I said was the same. Look at my post, then look at Chaim's, we're both saying that eating healthy is a no-brainer and will make you avoid disease.

Like I said, you missed entirely what I wrote.  All one needs to do is look at the highlighted portion of what you wrote, which I put in boldface and can easily see that you did NOT say the same thing as Chaim, true as your comment was nonetheless.    So should I now offer you a medal because you made a true comment?   I fail to see how it adds to the forum to "accuse" people of ignoring you and only agreeing with Chaim.   Why do you assume everyone reads every single comment in every thread, and even if they do, why do they have to show up and comment before Chaim does?   Maybe they read the thread a day later.... etc.   This whole discussion is pointless.     Think it reflects well on our movement if your "accusation" is true?

Sigh, made a mountain out of a mole-hill. It was a good natured comment meant to get a snicker. On this same subject of nutrition, you may need to cut back on the caffeine. <- Also being funny just in case this causes offense and another round of posts. Okay, that was actually snarky, but you deserved it for the grief your giving me. lol.

I'll answer one question though, this one.  "Furthermore, what are you saying about our members here with that comment?"

Answer, That they're human.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2010, 11:27:00 AM by New Yorker »
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Re: Fruit & Veg diet doesnt prevent Cancer (Y'sh) according to new research
« Reply #27 on: April 12, 2010, 05:48:32 PM »
newyork and chaim are spot on. I dnt believe half what scientists say anyway. Often they lie, or bias results to get atrtnetion and news media for thme or their respective university they are advertising.

There has been countless of medical research that show that fruits lile beetroot, strawberies etc have antioxidants to help prevent skin cancer etc.