Author Topic: "True" Torah Jews Kicks Off Ad Campaign in Wash. Post To Show Respect For Obama  (Read 532 times)

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True Torah Jews Kicks Off Ad Campaign in Washington Post To Make Distinction Between Zionism and Judaism and Show Respect for President Obama

"The purpose of our campaign is to make the distinction between Zionism and Judaism and to show respect for President Obama."

True Torah Jews is an organization of Orthodox Jews dedicated to informing the world that many Jews do not support the Zionist ideology which is diametrically opposite to the teachings of traditional Judaism.

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The True Facts

About Traditional Jews and the State of Israel 

Recently, self-proclaimed Jewish leaders launched a provocative campaign of newspaper advertisements regarding the policies of the American administration on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Perhaps some are left with the impression that these individuals indeed represent American Jewry.

The fact is, they represent only themselves.

We, traditional Torah Jews, are distressed and appalled by these ads, as well as by the Zionists' tactic of abusing American Jewry to advance their agenda. Therefore, we hereby publicize the following facts:

Fact: Zionism is not Judaism.

The Zionist ideology is fundamentally anti-Torah. Zionism has not only denied the fundamental Jewish belief in Heavenly Redemption; it has created a pseudo-Judaism which replaces the Torah with nationalism.

Thus, the State of Israel cannot ? and should not ? claim to represent worldwide Jewry, nor should the Zionist State be identified as a Jewish State.

Certain groups may argue that Jerusalem is "higher than politics." However, according to the Torah, Jerusalem has no relation to politics at all. The holiness of Jerusalem is divine and does not depend on who governs it.

True Torah Jews are outraged by this ongoing ploy, in which the Zionists attempt to create the impression that the holy Torah is behind their hard-line, nationalistic goals. It is not!

Fact: Traditional Jews are loyal to the United States government.

At the time of the destruction of the Holy Temple and the exile of the Jewish People, the great Biblical prophet Jeremiah proclaimed G-d's message to all Jews: "Seek out the welfare of the city to which I have exiled you, and pray for it to G-d, for through its welfare will you have welfare." (Jeremiah 29:7) For millennia, this has been a cornerstone of Jewish conduct.

As American Jews, we pray for the wellbeing and prosperity of the government of the United States of America, headed by Honorable President Barack Obama.

And of course, we continue to pray for the safety and wellbeing of Jews all over the world, including those in the Holy Land.

The blurring of the boundary between Judaism and Zionism jeopardizes the safety of Jews living all over the world, including our brethren in the Holy Land.

True Torah Jews

For more information, visit

SOURCE True Torah Jews
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

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Neutera karta with money from saudis and Iran the same type of crap as leftists Jews
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03