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Pat Robertson Honored For His Support of Israel
« on: May 17, 2010, 11:12:00 PM »

A group of Christians and Jews gathered in New York City to honor those who have stood with Israel and support the country's right to exist.

CBN Founder Dr. Pat Robertson was also in attendance. He was honored for his long-time commitment to the Jewish state. At the gathering hosted by Eagles Wings Ministry, Robertson recalled a meeting in 1974 with then Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin where, after sensing the weight of the world on the prime minister's shoulders, Robertson, while over-looking Jerusalem, made a covenant with God.

"That whatever happened, however unpleasant it might be, whatever enemies may arise, whatever the cost, that I and the ministries that I was in charge of, would stand with Israel, and ladies and gentlemen, after 30 years, I am pleased to say, I have kept that pledge, we've stood with Israel," he said.

Robertson put his words into action. In 2000, he established the CBN News bureau in Jerusalem. In 2006, during the war between Israel and Hezbollah, he did not just give analysis from behind a desk, he was on the front lines and experienced the war first hand.

Robertson has also defended Israel's right to build on its own land.

"Recently, the U.S. State Department complained because the Jews want to build apartment buildings in their capital," he said. "Can you imagine anything as outrageous as this? This is the Jewish capital. Of course, they can build apartment buildings, it belongs to them."

"It was bought and paid for by King David 1,300 years ago," Robertson added. "And this ladies and gentlemen is the eternal, undivided capital of Israel and it shall not be taken away from them."

Several of the Christian and Jewish leaders in attendance said there has never been a more important time to stand together on Israels' behalf.

"Let's not mince words, the Judeo-Christian civilization, western civilization, is under attack and we are literally fighting for our lives and for the future of our communities and our faiths," said Rabbi Dr. Gerald Meister.

"Israel's under assault in fact there's no country in the world that's under assault as Israel is," said Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum. "And therefore its important for all of those who support Israel, it's right to exist, its security and its welfare to work together."

Because of Robertson's continuing stand for Israel, Eagles Wings Ministry has named a scholarship for him. The Israel Experience College Scholarship will send a young Christian to Israel each year in his name.

"He has always had in his heart a special love for Israel and the Jewish people so we could think of no better honoree to recognize at our banquet this year," said Dr. Robert Sterns of Eagles Wings Minsitry.

And many believe educating the next generation is critical to securing Israel's future.
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.