Thats what i am going to describe myself. Having had debates with white nationlists, i have to agree, it has been hijacked by white supremacists. Who, as i have stated before , are the blacks of the white race. They are often in gangs, and drug peddling. Which is not what i want to be associated with. As for StørmFrønt, i have only been on there once, and i actually felt ill reading their posts.
I am going to describe myself a white civil rightist. I just want equality that is all. Not supremacy, not an advantage over blacks/arabs etc, just equality.
This means being allowed to complain about racial quotas and affirmative action, wanting equality in the media perception , and eradicating affirmative action in sports, which is my biggest passion.
It is a complete urban myth that blacks are more athletic than whites, but in america gym instructors and draft picks completely discriminate aganst whites. but you will see more threads on this, trust me.
So that is white i would desribe myself as, as i want nothing to do with white supremacists. They claim that white jews in the media give white gentiles a bad name. Maybe that is the case sometimes, but what about the KKK, ARYANbrthethood etc, they have damged white repretations for years. it is because of them that has fueled the media to hate whites.
But i am also pro rightous races, such as asains, indians and some white hispanics