Author Topic: Muslims Want Death Penalty for Mohammed Blasphemy  (Read 2636 times)

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Muslims Want Death Penalty for Mohammed Blasphemy
« on: May 26, 2010, 10:01:20 PM »

The religion of peace strikes back.


"Over two dozen Pakistani religious groups want the UN to OK the death penalty for blasphemy of the prophet Mohammed."


The death penalty?


So let me get this straight...Christians are just supposed to put up with the fact that our Saviour is mocked, defamed, blasphemed, and all sorts of horrible things, but Muslims want people to receive a judicial punishment of DEATH for mocking theirs?


"The ambassadors of Muslim and non-Muslim states will be told that blasphemy against prophets not only hurts the feelings of one religion but also sows a seed of hatred against the people of other religions..."


Two very subtle messages appear out of this statement. First, look at the way they refer to the nations, Muslim and non-Muslim. Secondly, they aren't talking about blasphemy towards religion, they are talking about blasphemy against THEIR religion.


In each instance they are using themselves as the reference point. That is their way of thinking. This isn't about freedom of religion. This is about the political correctness that we have allowed to strengthen their resolve in their ambitions for world domination.


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Offline Noos

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Re: Muslims Want Death Penalty for Mohammed Blasphemy
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2010, 04:52:53 AM »
Year 576 at Galatia, Jews are banish and loosing their estate.  Muhammad was 6 years old.

Muhammad at 8 years old, was bringing goods with his uncle at Gaza and Damascus.  Probably spice for foods.
That is year 578. 

Tiberius period.

Muhammad is 12 years old. 

At this period, 582 a Frank called Chilperic is baptizes Jews to Christians grudgingly. Jews are not want it. 
On the other side of the map, Byzantines (Romans) are somehow teachers of Muhammad.

Why ?
Because his is unstable character.
First he has married an old rich woman and after her death he married a child (Aisha).   Characteristic.   

So Muhammad was a semi-clever guy who found the chief of the period as exemplar.  Byzantine (Roman) greek-o-judaism mix for new lies as old truth, under sword power.   

It is 2nd year of Tiberius and there are so many crucifixions.  Even burning alive people.  Death is not enough. Torture is not enough. Dead bodies are trail to the roads. 

What are you guesstimate that Muhammad done to survive ?
The same system, as his own idea.

I am feeling a need to stop cause I am sad.

Greek Orthodox Christians must face the truth of the sin.
They must support Jews.  To redress and restitute.

Otherwise they are with Turkey side.  And Turkey hopes like old Byzantium.  The only difference is the Mongolian filiations.

For all the time that is still secret (ancient Antioch, Byzantine 429,  Tiberius etc), away from the people knowledge, that means that orthodox priests are with Islam and not with restitute.

We can not ring the bell to Jewish house and asking reason for Jehosua (Jesus).
If we want to thank Jews for giving us Jesus, it is all right.
And we must stop using the "Messiah" for Jesus, or accepting the "prophet" as a key to good relations with Islam. 

Maybe He was a G-d for only the rest people, or an experiment of "wearing body" for the rest people.  No coincidence with Islam, no matter the cost.

American and Arabs are now with Islam ?  There own catastrophe is coming. 

Are the Indians also, after so much drugs ?  he 10 commands given to Moses are far away from them.  If there is no more honor for father and mother, too bad for their future.
American came form island (Britain) and Philistines came for island also (Crete). 
Facing the truth, is a step to choice ethos.
Resist to Hitler propaganda, is a kick to Gebels face. 

Muhammad has been a priedieu to Roman and Byzantine power.  A beggar of the crime period.
That's why Muslims are so genuflection.  Like Tiberius is in front of beggar 12 years old Muhammad.

Please be patient with my English language. Need some more practice.

Offline Ben m

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Re: Muslims Want Death Penalty for Mohammed Blasphemy
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2010, 09:01:30 AM »
Actually it should be the death for following Muhammad, because if you are a Muslim you are an ipso facto murderer or supporter/accessory to murder which deserves the death penalty.
agree,there aren't such a think as moderate islam and this article just saying the obvious in showing this to the world.
enemies:negroes,musulmans and commies/liberals.
alleis:israel,united states,canada,european union,greater serbia,russia,australia and new zealand and japan/south korea and india.togheter we maight win this war.

Offline Noos

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Re: Muslims Want Death Penalty for Mohammed Blasphemy
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2010, 01:06:23 AM »
And what level of penalty, I wonder, is pedophilia ?
Do you estimate, how many west-pedophiles are hoping for large Islam immigration ?

So I am getting more suspicious, by Holland pedophilia minority party race, elections.
Do they want some more for the kids......  Mohammed draws ?
Or only some more Islamic families, with many-many kids ?

The 2 sons of Mohammed were needless and they vanished and were gone...
From under age.

The 4 daughters, these four littly-litlly female kids, were sooooo good.
And Aisha also...

Maybe Mohammed is secret sex symbol for 8 year old girls and the draws must be more "Pine-up" or something. 

And the question is : What level of near-death penalty want a Muslim to my country ?
If I remember well, Golda Meir was said : We can forgive Palestinian for killing our children, but we can not forgive them, for getting us killing their children.       
And there are so many years after, with no change of their muslim tactic.

They need somehow a Greek-style punishment for their pedophilia.
And I don't mean neither today's Greek style, nor ancient ...
The penalty for some drownings, is giving me the right to taste them as a soup in a volcano, for their pedophilia... 
They are waking up my Titan-stork for their rebirth in a volcano, at Rise & Honey Valley, actually ...

They demand penalty ? 
I demand a common opinion for pedophilia
and a common opinion what probably has this "draw matter" with female kids...
Please be patient with my English language. Need some more practice.