Mainly Turkish but also Arab immigrants call for massacres on Jews. In all social networks (in this case more anti-social networks), Turkish immigrants and Arabs call for the killing of Jews. "Wherever you meet them kill them", "Let's give them a new lesson of Khaibar", "Hitler should have finished his work" (okay, if a German messes with a Turk, they call him Nazi, but are themselves the most evil kind of Nazis), "Let's just wait some more time and we will eradicate Judaism".
Some of them even call on massacres on Christians for being their allies and for defending the Zionist mob. Many Turks want to see as much blood being shed on the streets as possible. They even call for Jihad and terror in Germany and wherever there are Turks (I think that means all the countries where these parasites live on social welfare) they shall commit terror. Just a little selction of our cultural enrichment, as our leftist politicians call them: those posts you can find also some German posters who got disgusted by the outbreak of anti-semitism.
But let's not forget that also our leftist media with incomplete coverage of the news is responsible for that. If you want to see an evil disgusting b*tch saying it was apity, Hitler didn't kill all Jews is here: is going on here right now is just frightening. I have never experienced so much hatred and I am really scared. Turks are going mad. They were still somewhat neutral when the topic was Israel-Gaza, but now that Turkey is involved and Erdogan is threatening Israel with becoming Israel's enemy, it seems that almost the whole bunch of Turks has gone insane. Of all posters ONE SINGLE Turk said he found it disgusting to see the brainless outbreak of anti-semitism and he says that Turks should calm down somewhat and see what their side did was not correct either and that it was a provocation.