theres many ways to free this great man. I have thought of fliers, cards, posters, emails, spam mails, ads, graphics, t-shirts, long shirts, turtle neck shirts, pants, undergarmets, neckties, bracelets, etc...
but I find word of mouth and words of the fingers (typing) are the BEST WAY TO SPREAD THE WORD. I know fliers, cards, posters, emails, spam mails, ads, graphics, t-shirts, long shirts, turtle necks, pants, etc... are good but this is the FASTEST AND MOST EFFICENT WAYS.
to tell ya the truth, i wish there was a WHOLE WEBSITE devoted to John. If I had more cash and knew HTML, java, coldfusion, Htm, php, Virtual Basics, C++, C+, C, Visual C, and more SCRIPTS then I would build one easily. This alone would FREE HIM. Believe me, it DOES WORK. it has proven RESULTS FROM ALL AROUND THE INTERNET.