Author Topic: Final Solution in Gaza and Lebanon  (Read 459 times)

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Final Solution in Gaza and Lebanon
« on: June 06, 2010, 03:00:01 PM »
In every serious and important sense, Hamas-controlled Gaza and Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon have declared war on Israel. These two jihadi states are overwhelmingly committed to conquering and enslaving the local Jews -- if not exterminating them. And these Muslim monsters are very open and confident about achieving this new holocaust. Pretty much nothing could be more heartlessly evil. So why doesn't Israel effectively counter these massive threats, and defeat these two obvious Islamo-fascist enemies?

The nations of Gaza and Lebanon profoundly need to be decisively and resoundingly defeated. Their two dictatorships need to be crushed into oblivion for all time. The political, intellectual, religious, and military leaders there should be captured and killed -- or at least publicly humiliated -- and their false and evil philosophy of Islam, jihad, and sharia should be simultaneously  refuted, condemned, and ridiculed into non-existence.

And some of the war-mongering, enemy territory of the Gazans and Lebanese needs to be taken away from the Islamic attackers so that they know that they've been defeated, and thus have to pay a real price for their loss (a kind of legitimate "land for peace" deal). These Muslim ignoramuses and lowlives need to be clearly and emphatically informed that their defeat is a direct product of their ideology, and that they desperately need a new one if they wish to acquire liberty, prosperity, and the good life, while avoiding terrible military defeats in future.
The victorious party (Israel), in turn, should impose this new ideology by force. They should use coercion and propaganda (no debates), for as long as necessary, to convert the Muslim barbarians into Western liberals. This means, among other things, no more Islamic t'v', radio, web sites, lectures, sermons, mosques, madrassas, monuments, etc. Only strictly Western liberal ones are allowed.

Israel should follow the practice of occupied Germany and Japan from 1945 to 1955. She should help give her Islamic enemies a new culture by completely rewriting their constitution and laws. And Israel should only end the occupation when the Islamic former-savages are truly civilized. Meanwhile, Israel should fully tax them thruout the occupation so that this re-education process costs the Jews nothing. Better yet, Israel should somewhat overtax these Islamic aggressors and monsters so that the occupation yields a small profit.

This process worked beautifully in Germany and Japan. And even tho' Muslims now are basically low animals (owing to their false and evil Islamic beliefs), they're still human beings. So it will work beautifully in Gaza and Lebanon too.
Classical liberalism is the future!