These 'cults' are proof positive that psychedelic drugs, including marijuana, cause permanent long term damage to the human brain and nervous system.
I am not joking.
There are thousands of maniacs like this running around today, all of them whacked out of their skulls from all the peyote, mescaline, mushrooms, ecstacy, and grass they have used.
Those substances -- each and all of them -- cause personality disintegration, followed by a slow, gradual personality reintegration built upon drug altered perceptions and distortions of reasoning.
In short, your new personality is one stuck between between the realm of reality and hallucination.
That is why these whackjobs are able to 'rationalize' anything, or convince themselves that they are all reincarnations from previous civilizations, or believe that they can "channel" beings from other galaxies...
People in this condition are also those most easily influenced by Nazi or Communist propaganda, because they are unable to distinguish between fact and fantasy.
Drug-induced borderline psychosis on a mass scale!
Remember! -- Only dopes use dope!