Why Not?
I'll tell you why not, according to my Jewish sensibilities...
Because Islam is not what Hashem wanted this world to be. The supposed prophet of Islam was a perverted warrior who did not understand Hashem and his people. We know he was a false prophet yet the Ishmaelites were easily deceived by Mohamuds clever twisting of our scriptures, as other false prophets have done to the Tanakh.
Because Sharia law is not a substitute for the Halacha of the Jewish people and a Jew would never submit to such religious laws as Sharia. We have been dhimmified before and I will die a martyr before I convert to the gutter religion of Islam. Sharia is not Kosher according to my understanding of things.
I will oppose any attempt to Shariafy the laws in this country.
I get your point. But what I was saying was that only Muslims get judged by sharia, while there is regular justice as before for the rest of the population. As Muslims are already segregated in their own neighbourhoods, I think we should allow our judges to take the sharia for judging them. E.g. if a Turks steals, he gets his hands cut off, if a Christian or Jew steals, he gets what OUR legislation says.
As long as Muslims do not have to carry the consequence of their "religion", it will be too easy for most of the Muslims to proselytize and to put Islam as "religion of peace". But what happens if a person converts to Islam and finds himself in a stiuation to be judged by sharia? I think many more people would consider this before they convert.
I am very pleased about the German who married a Moroccan woman and converted to Islam. He learned Arabic and went with his wife to Morocco.
He committed a crime in Morocco and now wants the embassy to take him and his wife out of Morocco. The response letter from the embassy was clear: "Sir, you have converted to Islam, learned Arab, and married a Moroccan woman. You have opted for a life in Morocco and have many social ties here. You attend the mosque on a regular base and one can clearly say that you are more turned to Morocco than you are turned to Germany. Thus we do not see any necessity to help you in any way. In this case we must consider You a Moroccan citizen and thus we have no possibilities to interfere into the Moroccan legislation."
Such things would become a big obstacle for intermarriage and conversion, if with a conversion or marriage the person would automatically submit himself to sharia.