If you are against the heroic Serbs, you are not a real Zionist.
You cannot conflate the two things, Serbian nationalism and Zionism are different. To be a Zionist, you must believe only that the Jewish people have a right to their own state, in their own homeland. You can be secular, religious, a socialist, a nationalist, whatever, so long as you believe in Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel, you are a real Zionist. There will be some debate, argument about Judea, Samaria and Gaza, but Serbia has nothing to do with it.
Don't get me wrong, I generally support the Serbs - the typical Western attitude is a disgrace, ignorant, biased and racist - I firmly believe that Republica Srpksa should be part of Serbia, rather than a semi-autonomous region of the Muslim hell-hole of Bosnia. However, for the same reason, the parts of Kosovo that are 80-90% Albanian should be surrenderd, as they are neither militarily or culturally necessary. Though to protect Strpce and retain territorial integrity, Kacanik, Vitina and parts of Gnjilane must remain Serb.