« Reply #32 on: June 17, 2010, 07:03:28 AM »
There's a real and serious danger that the evil people want to consolidate way too much power such as forming a North American Union.
but there aren't any illuminati/this is just socialists.they are not a big deal.
Socialists and communists are a big deal. One of them is president right now and China, the biggest country on earth by population, is a communist regime.
it will about to change in 2026 according to the united nations so we can rest in peace about china being the biggest country in ANY category.
How does the UN explain their argument that China will overgrow RuSSia? 
i talked about india not russia.

enemies:negroes,musulmans and commies/liberals.
alleis:israel,united states,canada,european union,greater serbia,russia,australia and new zealand and japan/south korea and india.togheter we maight win this war.