Author Topic: Europe must allow Turkey into E.U. must understand Qurananimals says Cameron  (Read 1458 times)

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Boy this guy is trying to win the   Dhimmi in chief  award   

David Cameron urges European Union to drop 'prejudice' against Turkey
David Cameron will today demand an end to the anti-Muslim 'prejudice' which he claims is blocking Turkey's membership of the European Union.

Rosa Prince, Political Correspondent, in Ankara
Published: 6:00AM BST 27 Jul 2010
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In a speech in the Turkish capital of Ankara, he will tell of his "anger" that a country which is a member of the Nato coalition fighting in Afghanistan should be asked to: "guard the camp but not be allowed to sit inside the tent".

He will claim that those who seek to block the incorporation of a Muslim nation into the 27-member EU are misguided and prejudiced. His words are likely to be construed as criticism of France and Germany, which both oppose the country's membership.
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The Prime Minister has embarked on a four-day trip which will also take him to India where, accompanied by a large trade delegation and several members of the Cabinet, he will seek to forge a new relationship based on trade with the emerging Asian powerhouse rather than aid.

In Ankara, he will hold talks with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish premier, before the two leaders sign an accord setting out plans for future co-operation.

Addressing the EU membership which Britain has supported for years along with nations including Italy and Spain, but which has stalled amid opposition from Nicolas Sarkozy, the French President, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, he will tell the Turks: "I will remain your strongest possible advocate for EU membership and for greater influence at the top table of European diplomacy.

"Together, I want us to pave the road from Ankara to Brussels."

Mr Cameron will attack: "those who wilfully misunderstand Islam" and who "see no difference between real Islam and the distorted version of the extremists."

He will also criticise those who view international relations as "polarised" or a clash between eastern and western civilisations. Nations who want to keep Turkey out of the EU for protectionist reasons will also come under attack.

Mr Cameron will say it makes him "angry that your progress towards EU membership can be frustrated in the way it has been."

"I believe it's just wrong to say Turkey can guard the camp but not be allowed to sit inside the tent," he will add, criticising those who suggest

that the country should pick between the east and the west, saying Turkey was stronger because it had chosen both.

"I'm not asking you to be a different country, to abandon your values, your traditions or your culture.

"But we want you to push forwards aggressively with the EU reforms you're making."

Downing Street said that it was a sign of how important Mr Cameron considers the matter that he had chosen to make only his fifth overseas trip since being elected to Turkey.

Mr Cameron will lay a wreath at Anitkabir, the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder and first President of the Republic of Turkey.

In his speech, Mr Cameron will also urge Turkey to "make it clear to Iran just how serious we are about engaging fully with the international community."

And he will tell the Turks to "remain a friend to Israel" after relations between the two became strained when Israeli troops killed nine Turkish activists on an aid convoy bound for the Gaza Strip.

Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Ulli

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Cameron is a Nazi. He knows exactly, that the AKP sponsored the "aid flotilla" itself and was behind the planned escalation.

He mocks obviously Israel with his statements.
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Offline mord

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Cameron is a Nazi. He knows exactly, that the AKP sponsored the "aid flotilla" itself and was behind the planned escalation.

He mocks obviously Israel with his statements.
And he wants Europe filled with muslims qurananimals how may European women have to raped by qurananimals.The majority of European women are raped by qurananimals
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Understand Muslims?  After all this they don't get it. Dumb or what?!
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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A mocking reveiw of Dhimmi Cameron pleading with the Turk qurananimals   

In Speech to Turkey, PM David Cameron Goes Full Idiot
Cameron gives a begging, blubbering pander of a speech to the Islamist goons in Turkey. (Also read Claudia Rosett: "Prime Minister, It’s Not a 'Prison Camp'”
July 28, 2010 - by Barry Rubin
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British Prime Minister David Cameron’s July 27 speech in Turkey will not live on in history. But it should, as an example of the decline of Western diplomacy and of suicide by political correctness. It is a textbook example of how not to conduct international affairs.

It crossed my mind that the speech was written by the Foreign Office for the express purpose of making Cameron look foolish, but then I realized that he and his top advisors probably have no idea why it was such a disaster.

Suppose you are the British prime minister going to Turkey, or to just about any country. What should you say? The theme should be: We can cooperate and do mutually beneficial things. Here’s what I can do for you; here’s what I’d like you to do for me. And here’s what you must not do in order to reap the benefits of my friendship and favor.

Obviously, you need to dress that up in appropriate language. But everything should be conditional. The message to be delivered is that it is in your interest to respect my interests.

Cameron did the precise and exact opposite. His message was: The UK needs Turkey. Turkey is wonderful. Its behavior has been perfect. We are desperate for your help.

What is the effect? A man goes into a bazaar, points to a carpet, and says, “That is the most beautiful carpet I have ever seen. I must have it no matter what the price! How much is it?”

In addition, Cameron committed some other howling mistakes, several of which will amaze you. So please stick with me as I explain and document this — you won’t be disappointed. And remember this is not just a matter of one speech; it is a fitting symbol for the entire contemporary Western diplomatic approach to the Middle East, and much more to the world as well. By the way, it is doomed to fail miserably.

Before we begin, remember that this is no longer the old Turkish Republic. Cameron is lavishing praise on an Islamist-oriented regime which has aligned itself with Iran and revolutionary Islamist groups. And all of Cameron’s pandering, as if he were a Western barbarian in the court of the all-powerful Ottoman sultan, is driving a knife into the heart of a Turkish opposition which is genuinely friendly toward the West and horrified by the current regime’s subversion of Turkish democracy.

Cameron began by saying:

    I’ve come to Ankara today to establish a new partnership between Britain and Turkey. I think this is a vital strategic relationship for our country.

Note the cringing here. One might have said: “I think this is a vital strategic relationship for our countries.” In other words, the speaker would stress there is a mutual benefit. Instead, this polite approach makes it sound as if Turkey is doing the United Kingdom a favor by having a strategic relationship with it. And this is precisely the interpretation put on such things in the local context. This kind of humbleness/flattery is also seen in President Barack Obama’s speeches.

And here it is again:

    People ask me why [I’m visiting] Turkey and why so soon. I’ll tell you why. Because Turkey is vital for our economy. Vital for our security. And vital for our politics and diplomacy.

So Turkey holds all the cards, and the West can do nothing but give concessions in hope of winning favor in its eyes. One should remember that a major theme of Iran, Syria, and this Turkish regime is that nothing can be achieved without them, and so the West must bow to their will and do everything they want. Cameron is feeding this monster.

According to him, there are no problems with Turkey on security:

    Turkey is a great NATO ally. And Turkey shares our determination to fight terrorism in all its forms — whether from al-Qaeda or the PKK. [Note that he fails to mention Hamas or Hezbollah!] But perhaps more significant still is the fact that Turkey’s unique position at the meeting point of East and West gives it an unrivaled influence in helping us get to grips with some of the greatest threats to our collective security.

Look, you don’t go to a country and criticize it (unless the country is Israel. Now why is that?), but you don’t tell them that everything they are doing is great because if that’s not true they will keep on doing it and know there is no cost. Turkey under this regime is not a pro-Western state helping the West against its “Eastern” enemies — as Turkey was between, say, 1950 and 2000 — nor is it a neutral meeting ground. At present, Turkey is on the enemy side.

He continues:

    Which Muslim majority country has a long-established relationship with Israel while at the same time championing the rights of the Palestinian people? Which European country could have the greatest chance of persuading Iran to change course on its nuclear policy?

Now this is after the Turkish regime trashed the relationship with Israel and stabbed the United States and the UK in the back by cutting its own deal with Iran and even voting against sanctions at the UN. This is the policy Cameron praises! And then after all these things, he adds:

    Whether in Afghanistan or the Middle East, Turkey has a credibility that others in the West just can’t hope to have. So I’ve come here to make the case for Turkey to use this credibility, to go further in enhancing our security and working for peace across our world.

Does this include Turkish regime support for Hamas and Hezbollah, and alignment with Iran and Syria? He should be hinting gently that Turkey is losing its credibility because of the regime’s behavior. And therefore Turkey needs to change its behavior, a point that the opposition will be arguing in the next election. By this time I can see the opposition tearing their hair out as another Western leader heaps praise on the regime. And have no doubt the regime will use all this in next year’s elections:

    Extremist? Transforming Turkey toward Islamism? What do you mean? The West loves us!

Cameron then goes on and makes it clear that Turkey would be doing the EU a favor by joining it, not the tiniest hint of leverage that Turkish membership might depend on the regime’s behavior. He could have said:

    While I, of course, support you, the path would be easier if …

Followed by some polite and proper hints done with full British charm.

But it gets worse. Cameron is about to insult several of Britain’s closest allies, including Germany and France, by making opposition to Turkey’s entrance into the EU a form of racism and Islamophobia. For example, he says that opponents are:

    The prejudiced. Those who willfully misunderstand Islam. They see no difference between real Islam and the distorted version of the extremists. They think the problem is Islam itself. And they think the values of Islam can just never be compatible with the values of other religions, societies, or cultures.

All these arguments are just plain wrong. The problem precisely is the version of Islam embodied in the current Turkish government. There could be other perfectly pious Muslims ruling Turkey (and Iran, Syria, or the Gaza Strip for that matter) who would interpret Islam in a way relatively compatible with the values of other religions. But not the Islamists!

He also complains of those who:

    … see the history of our world as a clash of civilizations, as a choice between East and West. They just don’t get the fact that Turkey can be a great unifier. Because instead of choosing between East and West, Turkey has chosen both.

But he doesn’t comprehend that the current government of Turkey does see the world as a clash of civilizations. Its foreign minister even wrote a book to that effect, which has never been translated and which the regime is doing its best to conceal.

If I were a German or French journalist, my headline would be: “Cameron Calls German (or French) policy bigoted and anti-Islamic.”

Yet Cameron sails on into even worse grounds. He actually praises a Turkish policy which has gone to the brink of war with Israel, sponsored a flotilla run by radical Islamists intending to create a violent confrontation, and is allied with a revolutionary terrorist group. One has to quote it to believe he actually said the following:

    Turkey’s relationships in the region, both with Israel and with the Arab world, are of incalculable value. No other country has the same potential to build understanding between Israel and the Arab world. I know that Gaza has led to real strains in Turkey’s relationship with Israel. But Turkey is a friend of Israel. And I urge Turkey, and Israel, not to give up on that friendship.

    Let me be clear. The Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla was completely unacceptable. And I have told PM Netanyahu, we will expect the Israeli inquiry to be swift, transparent and rigorous. Let me also be clear that the situation in Gaza has to change. Humanitarian goods and people must flow in both directions. Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp.

    But as, hopefully, we move in the coming weeks to direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians so it’s Turkey that can make the case for peace and Turkey that can help to press the parties to come together, and point the way to a just and viable solution.

In other words, Turkey is 100 percent right, I have no criticism of Hamas’s behavior, but Turkey can still play a productive role. This is the diplomatic equivalent of insane behavior on Cameron’s part.

I don’t want to take up too much of your time but I cannot let this gem pass. True, Cameron urged Turkey to continue internal reforms. But there’s no hint of the anti-democratic nature of the regime’s manipulation of such reforms (for example, to seize control of the courts) and the massive repression of dissidents. He suggests that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons, and he even criticizes the Turkey-Iran deal. But note the illogical leap:

    Even if Iran were to complete the deal proposed in their recent agreement with Turkey and Brazil, it would still retain around fifty percent of its stockpile of low-enriched uranium. So we need Turkey’s help now in making it clear to Iran just how serious we are about engaging fully with the international community.

    We hope that the meeting held in Istanbul between the Turkish, Brazilian and Iranian foreign ministers will see Iran move in the right direction.

That meeting is a conference of Iran’s supporters! Why would it lead Iran in the right direction? How about Turkey’s opposition to sanctions? And again note the beggar’s worldview: “We need Turkey’s help.”

Why should Turkey help? What will you give the regime in exchange for its alleged help?

This regime wants to help Iran, not work against Iran.

Finally, remember that Cameron is a Conservative, the successor of Winston Churchill. That’s how deep the appeasement disease has penetrated the Western ruling class.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline TruthSpreader

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If Turkey does join the EU God forbid, that'll mean even more Muslims flooding into Europe and we can't let that happen.
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Ulli

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A mocking reveiw of Dhimmi Cameron pleading with the Turk qurananimals   

Great article. There are all important points in it!
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Offline mord

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A mocking reveiw of Dhimmi Cameron pleading with the Turk qurananimals   

Yes it's true Cameron must be a complete idiot or a very inexperienced PM

Great article. There are all important points in it!
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Ulli

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A mocking reveiw of Dhimmi Cameron pleading with the Turk qurananimals   

Yes it's true Cameron must be a complete idiot or a very inexperienced PM

Great article. There are all important points in it!

Or he wants to help the akp-muslims intentionally.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline mord

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A mocking reveiw of Dhimmi Cameron pleading with the Turk qurananimals   

Yes it's true Cameron must be a complete idiot or a very inexperienced PM

Great article. There are all important points in it!

Or he wants to help the akp-muslims intentionally.
This might be very true
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline mord

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This is very funny and i doubt it Cameron a direct descendant od Moshe [Moses] >:( :laugh:
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Ulli

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Dr Wise’s study of archival material also suggests that Mr Cameron, who has described himself as an “enthusiastic friend of the Jewish people”, could be a direct descendant of Moses.

I highly doubt this.  :::D
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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I hope something fast hits his brain.