Author Topic: Mahmud Abbas (Abu Mazen) again calls for Israel's destruction - our latest video  (Read 890 times)

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Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Binyamin Netanyahu, Avigdor Lieberman and the rest of the phony "rightwing" in Israel tell us that the PLO-Fatah terrorists and their leader Mahmud Abbas (Abu Mazen) want "peace". Last week, Abbas again stated that he favors an all-out Arab war to destroy Israel. This video exposes the murderous Nazi history of Abbas and Fatah.

I uploaded this video four times with different titles each time. Please rate (Like), favorite and comment on all four videos. It will only take a few minutes and it boosts our search engine position on zootube.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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The best way is to learn Hebrew. This is very simple Hebrew as I have only been speaking for a few months and I understand most of what he is saying. If you are in NY then it shouldn't be too hard to find a Chevruta (Study Partner) who speaks Hebrew.

David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

Offline The One and Only Mo

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The best way is to learn Hebrew. This is very simple Hebrew as I have only been speaking for a few months and I understand most of what he is saying. If you are in NY then it shouldn't be too hard to find a Chevruta (Study Partner) who speaks Hebrew.


My hebrew's pretty good (not in NY, but I do have several Chavrusas Baruch Hashem), but I miss 10 percent of what he says and that 10 percent just destroys a lot of the understanding for me.

Offline AsheDina

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And America, the once great nation, is helping Abbas. NATO Forces are going to be allowed to go into Israel to 'carve it up'
שמע ישראל
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Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Here is the complete translation of the video. Unlike my first translation of this video, this is an unabridged, litteral translation, following the original video version word by word, so it is ready for use as subtitles (just like the "National Union must not unite..." video translation I posted).

"Welcome to HaYamin HaAmiti. My name is Chaim Ben Pesach. This program is dedicated to elevating the souls of Yosef Ben Meir, Melekh Ben Avraham, and Brian Getscher.
Last week, Abu Mazen, whose real name is Mahmud Abbas, stated once more that he is in favour of a war of destruction of Israel. He wants to destroy Israel, he has said so many times. He has said that his loftiest aspiration is to become a “shahid”, a martyr. He is ready to commit suicide, or so he claims, of course he is a coward, a liar, an opportunist, and he is not ready to do that, but he is ready to send children to do that, because he himself is a coward, like almost all Arabs. But he claims that the loftiest aspiration in his life is to be a shahid, to be willing to give his life to murder as many Jews as possible. Those are his words. And he has also said that he will never recognize or accept a Jewish state, no matter what its size is or what its borders are, because the issue is not about borders.
It makes no difference whether Israel is only a square-meter state. That is too much for the Arab Muslim Nazis. The Arab Muslim Nazis will not accept the existence of a Jewish state in the middle of the Arab world, in the middle of the Islamic world. The state of Israel is located in the middle of the Arab world. The Arabs and the Muslims will never accept such a thing. There are no moderate Arabs, there is no such thing. They all want the state of Israel and the people of Israel to be destroyed, all of them. It makes no difference what the borders are. When we were within the Auschwitz borders, as they were called by Abba Even himself when he was the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Labour government and when he was even too left-wing for the Labour party - they rejected him because he was so left-wing, even Abba Even, that extreme left-winger, called the pre-1967 borders the “Auschwitz” borders, we were within these borders and what did the Arabs do when we were within these borders before the six-day war, when the Arabs had all Judea and Samaria, Gaza, East-Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, the Sinai, when the borders of the state of Israel were ten-kilometer wide, what did the Arabs do then ? Did they say, all right, we have reached a compromise now, they have a tiny state, we are ready to accept it ? There was not a single Arab who was ready to accept it ! All of them said that they intended to throw the Jews into the sea. The Arab ambassadors, the Muslim ambassadors said that at the UN in English then. Today they understand that, for public relations purposes, it is unwise to say that in English. They still say that in Arabic. Everyday in the Arab media, they pledge to destroy the people of Israel and Eretz Israel. Everyday in their media, everyday they say that in Arabic. But in English or in Hebrew, they do not talk this way today, as Muhamad, the founder of Islam, commanded them to do : they practice “Taqqiyah”, they lie to the Infidels. That is what Muslims are commanded to do. But they never say, in any language, that they are willing to accept a Jewish state, that they are ready to accept, really accept or recognize the state of Israel. That, they do not say. Egypt and Jordan, which signed with us a so-called peace treaty - a lie treaty… And we gave away the precious and huge Sinai to Egypt, an insane move. When we did this… To this day the Egyptians and the Jordanians have been saying : we have not accepted the Jewish state, it is just “hudna” (truce), just a temporary cessation of hostilities that we have agreed to. But a Jewish state, we have not accepted that. We do not accept that and we will not. Because according to Islam, the whole world must be Islamic.  Any state that is not an Islamic state has no legitimacy at all. This applies to all the world : the US, Europe, have no legitimacy to exist according to Islam. All the non-Muslim world is Dar al Harb, the war zone. And for that reason, last week, Abu Mazen, Mahmud Abbas, that Nazi, whom Bibi Netanyahu, the Likud, the phony right, Avigdor Lieberman, Israel Beyteynu, HaBayit HaYedudoni, all these little Jewboys from the phoney right tell us, hey, he is a moderate, we can engage in peace agreements with him. Peace agreements with him ? He tells us baloney, even if we give him Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, Judea and Samaria, and an Arab terrorist state in the heart of Eretz Israel, even if we confine ourselves within ten-kilometer wide borders, he will never accept a Jewish state. He will always want, he will always endeavour, to destroy Israel, to throw us into the sea, always, like all the Arab world, like all the Muslim world. As they did before the six-day war, when we were confined within ten-kilometer wide borders. What did they want back then ? What did they do back then ?
That is why there is not a single Muslim map, a single Arab map, on which the state of Israel is mentioned. The state of Israel does not exist on Arab and Muslim maps, on the maps of Abbu Mazen or Mahmud Abbas, that terrorist, holocaust denier, may his name and memory be obliterated, may the name of the wicked rot, this mass murderer, whose best friend was Yasser Arafat, the Arab Hitler. On all Abu Mazen Mahmud Abbas’ maps, on all the maps in Egypt or Jordan or any other Arab or Islamic country, on all of their maps, the state of Israel does not exist – only Palestine, Jerusalem does not exist – only Al Quds, There is no Tel Aviv, no Haifa, not the slightest Jewish populated area, nothing that belongs to the Jews. They do not exist. The Arabs and the Muslims want, today, what they wanted before the six-day war, what they wanted before the war of independence, they want to wipe out Israel, whatever the size of the state. If they are not ready to acknowledge the legitimacy of the US, of Europe, of such non-Muslim countries, all the more so they will never accept a tiny Jewish state such as Israel in the middle of the Arab world, in the middle of the Muslim world. That, for sure, will not be accepted, it will not be accepted in any way by the Arabs or the Muslims.
So what must be done ? What must be done ? We must be strong, survive, and not cave in, not give anything. And if they attack us, we will liberate more parts of Eretz Israel, and we will be even stronger. That is what must be done. What we must do is prompt the millions of Arabs who live in Israel and who want to destroy us, to leave. As for Abu Mazen, instead of granting him billions of shekels as Bibi Netanyoyo does, instead of giving him free electricity, free water, free food, free medicine, all items that Bibi, Pipi does not supply to the Jews, instead of giving him this, this criminal should receive what Jews received from him – a bullet in the head, that is what this Nazi terrorist murderer deserves, he must receive what hundreds of Jews got from him.
The difference between us, Ha Yamin Ha Amiti, and the phony right wing, which is huge, one of the differences, is that the phony right wing does not have the guts to tell the truth. We are ready to speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Please join our forum."

Offline TruthSpreader

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And America, the once great nation, is helping Abbas. NATO Forces are going to be allowed to go into Israel to 'carve it up'

America is destroying itself by helping the PLO.
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Here is a link to the video with English subtitles :

Offline Debbie Shafer

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I hate it that this government is supporting Hamas and the Palestine movement. I am doing everything in my power to wake people up!   It would be a good idea to learn Hebrew I have several CDs by Barry and Batya Segal, Go through the Gates, Kumi Ori, Adonai. and  They are fantastic.  The Joseph Storehouse also sends food, supplies, and aid to Israel and victims of Terror. 

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ZOA Opposes Obama Upgrading Diplomatic Status Of Abbas' P.A. - It Rewards P.A. Incitement & Refusal To Negotiate

July 26, 2010
Press Release
Contact: Morton A. Klein
Phone 1: 212-481-1500


PLO flag will fly in DC, PA officials receive diplomatic immunity



The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has opposed the Obama Administration’s announcement that it is upgrading the diplomatic status of Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) by granting its mission in Washington – which is actually a PLO mission – the same status it enjoys in most European countries: that of a PLO ‘general delegation.’ This amounts to a reward for continuing P.A. incitement against Jews and Israel, promoting hatred and violence, as well as its refusal to negotiate.  A general delegation is lower than an embassy (which normally only sovereign states enjoy in foreign countries) but has been described in the Israeli paper Haaretz as “a major step above what the PA has had until now.” The upgrade gives PA officials in Washington something they did not have before – diplomatic immunity. The U.S. has given Abbas’ PA this upgrade despite the complete absence of Palestinian action to arrest terrorists, and end incitement to hatred and murder against Israel in its controlled media, mosques, schools and youth camps.



Some anti-peace actions by Abbas and the PA in the past month:


·        July 2010: Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas and the Fatah movement he co-founded which controls the PA, honored Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah, a Lebanese Shia cleric belonging to the terrorist group Hizballah, whose name was on the U.S. list of wanted terrorists. Abbas dispatched a personal emissary to visit the dying Fadlallah in hospital and after his death sent condolences to his family. (Shortly before his death, Fadlallah issued a fatwa (Islamic religious ruling) sanctioning suicide bomber attacks on U.S. troops and Israel) (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 4, 2010, translation courtesy of Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook, ‘Abbas honors terror leader Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah,’ Palestinian Media Watch Bulletin, July 11, 2010).


·        July 2010: Abbas was reported in the official PA daily, Al Hayat Al-Jadida as saying to a meeting of Arab writers and journalists in Jordan that he and the PA “are unable to confront Israel militarily, and this point was discussed at the Arab League Summit in March in Sirt (Libya). There I turned to the Arab States and I said: ‘If you want war, and if all of you will fight Israel, we are in favor’” (Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, ‘Mahmoud Abbas: “If all of you [Arab States] will fight Israel, we are in favor,” Palestinian Media Watch, July 7, 2010).


·        July 2010: Abbas honored Muhammad Daoud Oudeh, also known as Abu Daoud, the mastermind of the 1972 Munich Olympics hostage-taking by Fatah terrorists of eleven Israeli athletes. Abbas stated that Oudeh “was one of the prominent leaders of the Fatah movement and lived a life filled with the struggle, devoted effort, and the enormous sacrifice of the deceased for the sake of the legitimate problem of his people, in many spheres. He was at the forefront on every battlefield, with the aim of defending the [Palestinian] revolution. What a wonderful brother, companion, tough and stubborn, relentless fighter.” Abbas also called Oudeh’s family to express his condolences (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 4, 2010, translation courtesy of Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, ‘Abbas honors mastermind of Munich Olympics massacre,’ Palestinian Media Watch Bulletin, July 6, 2010).



The Haaretz reports adds: “Prior to this decision, the PA mission in Washington was at a very low level from the point of view of protocol: Its diplomats did not have diplomatic immunity, and it was not even allowed to fly the PLO flag at the entrance to its offices. Now, its diplomats will enjoy diplomatic immunity and its offices will be able to display the PLO flag … The PA has been seeking an upgrade in diplomatic relations ever since U.S. President Barack Obama took office last year. But after 18 months without progress, it was surprised to suddenly receive a letter from the State Department on Tuesday announcing that the U.S. had agreed. The letter was sent to Maen Areikat, who heads the PLO mission in Washington. The Americans began seriously considering the upgrade two weeks ago as one of several steps it intends to take in an effort to entice Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas into direct talks with Israel” (Natasha Mozgovaya, Barak Ravid & Avi Issacharoff, ‘ U.S. upgrades diplomatic ties with Palestinians in bid to woo Abbas: Palestinian mission in Washington granted title of 'general delegation' and given permission to hang PLO flag at entrance,’ Haaretz, July 23, 2010).


ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “Once again, we see Abbas and the PA being rewarded with major one-sided concessions from the Obama Administration, despite having done literally nothing to merit such rewards and in fact having done the diametric opposite – being continuously involved in vile, duplicitous anti-peace, pro-terror actions in recent weeks, months and years.


“Why should the PA even consider ending incitement against Israel and making concessions for peace when it receives massive, unmerited rewards like this diplomatic upgrade, as well as the huge reward under President Obama of an increase in aid for the Palestinians to $1.3 billion – double the already large sums given to the P.A. under George W. Bush. The P.A. now receives more funding per capita than any other nation or entity on earth. This is even more remarkable and indefensible in a time of huge deficits and strains on the U.S. economy. Abbas and the P.A. are receiving the message loud and clear that extremism pays, involves no penalty or risks and is in fact rewarded.


“It is detestable that the flag of the terrorist PLO (which is the same as that of the PA) will now fly in our nation’s capital, a monument to this Administration’s ignoring Palestinian extremism, hatred, terrorism and murder. Some months ago, President Obama said he would hold the PA accountable for incitement. As could be surmised at the time – based on an already bad record of ignoring Palestinian incitement – this has proved again to be nothing but empty words.”
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Amazing that America always stood for liberty, freedom, and truth, and now supports terrorist-Islamic regimes, the Government that is!   Christians know whats ahead thats why we are doing everything we can for Israel!