Author Topic: Implications of judge Susan Bolton's rejection of Arizona immigration law  (Read 735 times)

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Offline david1967

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There are several implications to judge Susan Bolton's rejection of the Arizona immigration law:  The biggest, which also has national implications, is the following:  State troopers and local police can't inquire about a suspect's immigration status.  This means that most illegals will serve time in jail, and after being released, allowed to remain in the U.S  The only illegals that can have their immigration status checked, are those that already have warrants against them. 
This rejection of the Arizona law shows that the U.S court system is corrupt.  Judges must decide cases based on which party appointed them, rather than according to law.  Of course, we've known this since the 2000 presidential election fiasco, when the Conservative judges favored Bush, and the Liberal judges favored Gore.  At that time, the Conservatives happened to have a 5-4 advantage, so Bush won.  The trend has intensified today, with the appointments of two, female, Marxist ideologues, namely Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.
This decision will also encourage increased, illegal immigration, especially from Mexico.  They know that it is almost impossible to deport them, so millions of Mexicans, fearing increased drug cartel violence in Mexico, along with a poor economy, will make the jump across the border.  There is also a rumor that Obama might possibly issue an executive order declaring amnesty and automatic citizenship for every illegal in the country.  Another theory is that the Democrat controlled congress will pass an amnesty law before the November elections, which is expected to be disastrous for them.  Either of these, especially an Obama executive order, will anger an already furious amd impatient electorate to vote against the Democrats.  However, Obama and his Democrat thugs will ensure that the amnesty law will allow the millions of illegals to register to vote; naturally, they will be grateful to the Democrats and vote for them.  However, will this be enough counter the large backlash against Obama and the Democrats?

Offline Secularbeliever

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Of course nobody is arguing that all the sanctuary cities are illegal.  In other words it is okay to outright defy the Federal Government but not to demand enforcement of Federal Law.
We all need to pray for Barack Obama, may the Lord provide him a safe move back to Chicago in January 2,013.

Offline david1967

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Sanctuary cities are approved by the Obama regime because it increases the population of illegals into this country.  Obama will never allow the federal government to legally challenge the sanctuary cities, even though it is clearly a violation of federal law.....  Oh wait a second, Obama can just get one of his Marxist judges to say they're legal!