She was somewhat civilized. One time there was a contest for the store and our store won it and we were all supposed to get a cash reward. I waited for a few weeks and didn't get it. I didn't want to seem too overeager about it like I was pestering her, so then I asked one of the other employees when we were supposed to get it, and she said "We all got it weeks ago!" I had to confront the boss and she pulled half the money out of her purse while claiming she didn't steal it. Then later on I kept bugging her until she gave me the rest of it. She knew if I had to, that I could go over her head to the district manager (white) who I got along with very well.
I didn't want to do that. Eventually I got all my money after telling her I wanted the rest of it.
She tried to take advantage of me because she knew I wasn't a very aggressive type and she thought I might not say anything.
Anyway after I had gotten all the money she tried to encourage me to donate a big portion of it to the March of Dimes jar we had in the front of the store. I told her I wasn't doing it. She just wanted to steal it back.