Author Topic: David Horowitz at UCSD 5/10/2010. Hosted by Young Americans for Freedom and DHFC  (Read 3489 times)

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Offline Confederate Kahanist

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A Muslim Jew-hater and supporter of genocide is flushed out by David Horowitz at a speech during "Israel Apartheid Week at the University of California...

Yes and all the while they are infiltrating the schools and America while touting that we need to understand they come
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Debbie Shafer

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David is another one of my heroes.  Help him stand against Tyranny!

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Isalm Exposed! Thanks to Leaders like Horowitz,  JTF, Worldnet Daily, Bortz, Jay Sekulow, Gabriel, MEF, ZOA, Hannity, and Ben Stein, Waffa Sultan,  Resist.Net.   More To Come!