Author Topic: The Media Is Continually Disappointed by The Absence of Conservative Violence  (Read 445 times)

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Elijah Friedeman, the Millennial Perspective

We hear a lot these days about the plight of unemployed Americans. How they can't find work and are having trouble paying the bills. But there's an untold story that needs to be shared: The plight of the liberal mainstream media.

No, I'm not talking about plummeting viewership or the dwindling number of subscriptions. I'm talking about the problem that liberal talking heads have had recently with finding an angry, violent conservative troublemaker to use to bash the Tea party and conservatism at large. What do I mean? Well let me explain.

First we were confronted with the death of the census worker in Kentucky. The census worker had the word "fed" scrawled across his chest, resulting in exultation from the liberal media that they finally had an example of right-wing violence. One liberal rag even breathlessly proclaimed that the "Dead census worker highlights right-wing paranoia." MSNBC quoted a conveniently anonymous law enforcement officer wondering if the death might have something to do with "anti-government sentiments."

Then, without much fanfare from the same outlets that decried the murder weeks earlier, investigators announced that the murder by anti-government, right-wing extremists was actually a suicide. Woops.

Such a simple mistake, though, any fact-checking news outlet could have jumped to conclusions in that case, right?

Recently, amid warnings from the media of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim violence, a Muslim cab driver was attacked by a young, white male. At last, the media had a prime example of conservative hatred and violence! Overjoyed, liberal outlets everywhere proudly denounced the violence brought on by the opposition to the Ground Zero mosque.

And then the news slowly began trickling out. The attacker wasn't a crazed opponent of the mosque, turns out he actually worked for Intersections International, a left-wing organization which supports the Ground Zero mosque. Strike two, for the media.

The tragic events of yesterday's hostage crisis at the Discovery channel should finally dispel the myth of the violent, politically-motivated conservative, but I wouldn't count on it.  The gunman, James Lee, wasn't a conservative, much to the chagrin of the news oulets. In fact, he seems to be an angry politically-motivated inspired by - wait for it - Al Gore.

Lee said that he experienced "an awakening" after watching Al Gore's eco-documentary "An Inconvenient Truth." His bizarre demands during the hostage crisis included getting those "destructive, filthy, pollutive creatures," otherwise known as humans, to stop reproducing. Lee's tirade also touched on nuclear weapons, global warming, and pollution from cars. He also called for the media to talk more about evolution and Darwin and bashed the "religious-cultural roots" of civilization.

Surely, surely the left wouldn't try to brand this guy as a conservative. But wait, the left's spin machine whipped into full gear, and some liberal publications attempted to tie the gunman to anti-illegal immigration groups. But by and large the mainstream media didn't even try to pin this on conservatives. It's almost as if they've given up on the cause of proving the violent teapartier narrative.

Every single time, just when the media had a chance to prove that conservatives caused political violence, that chance has been brutally dashed to pieces on the cold, hard rocks of reality. The media really has it tough. You may not realize this, but it's hard work, keeping up the narrative that the teapartiers are a violent bunch when there's no proof to back it up.

This is why the mainstream media is in such dire straits. They just can't seem to catch a break by finding a violent, politically-motivated conservative. It's hard, sometimes, creating false narratives, which is why the mainstream media's story needs to be told. They put so much effort into creating the perfect framework for their thesis that conservatives are a violent bunch, and yet no conservative violently fits into that storyline. All that hard work just gone to waste.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt