Re: "less spending is bad idea in a recession, spending stimulates the economy. "
The only thing that stimulates our economy is increased demand for goods and services which are developed through research and creative effort, which then result in an enlarged domestic industrial base.
Increasing the debt load by "bailouts" of the banks and credit industries which don't produce anything, or by creating "government programs" requiring more bureaus and enlarged government, stimulates only national bankruptcy, hyperinflation, and a downward spiraling standard of living.
If there is to be spending, it must be on the private sector - science, research and development, more efficient infrastructure and transportation systems - manufacturing - high technology advancement, so that each dollar spent is a dollar invested to generate demand for labor which reduces unemployment, increases production, and generates profits which can then repeat this process through the private sector as well as be used to create revenue at city, state, and Federal levels.
So far, the Federal Government under Osama has done nothing but completely destroy the American economy and social order, wasting trillions of dollars with nary a penny in profits.
The country will remain in debt forever and quickly become another Brazil or Chile unless immediate action is taken to reestablish sound financial policy.
Simply running the printing presses to print more dollars debases the entire currency value so that the dollar becomes worthless.