This is an outrage. It is about time that we demand that the animal traitors in congress do what we say. Everytime the primate bipeds africanus criminalis demonstrate they get on their kness and do what they want. I think it is time that we should do the same thing. It is time for action. We must abolish the fact that any creature that poops out a creature becomes a citizen. That must end now. We must deport these things right now including their bastard, retarded, TB ridden, diesase infected offspring now. No breaking up of families, get rid of them now.That filthy murderer drunken pig teddy kennedy is responsible for this mess. I for one consider him a traitor and all the illegals should be sent to his compound on martha's vineyard. I hope his animal children fall to the same fate that so many Americans have fallen to. No jobs, being raped by these 'family value' people, being run over by drunk drivers, see day workers urinating in public as you and your wife wait for a bus, take our jobs, clough our medical facilicties, pollute our schools, destroy our neigborhoods and murder our country. Congress is a cesspool that has lived out it usefulness. Read Thomas Jefferson, when a government no longer represents you, you fill in the rest. Long live America and freedom.