Author Topic: Obama warns: Support 'Palestine' or 'more blood' will flow  (Read 845 times)

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Obama warns: Support 'Palestine' or 'more blood' will flow
« on: September 25, 2010, 06:05:05 PM »

Without world support for establishing an independent Palestine,  President Obama warned the United Nations General Assembly today that "more blood will be shed" and "Palestinians will never know the pride and dignity that comes with their own state."

Though couched with references to Israeli security and a "neighbors who are committed to coexistence," Obama's observation prompted a provocative question and little known insight into the Palestinian-Zionist identity conflict from the author of a bold new book about the Nazi links to Islamic jihadists.

"Are the Palestinian Arabs a distinct people apart from other Arabs?," asks Chuck Morse, author of "The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj. Amin Al-Husseini."

Read Chuck Morse's commentary on the issue right now!

Before 1948, Morse explained, the term "Palestinian" described "Jews and was used interchangeably with the term Zionist."

"The Arab residents of Palestine," he says, "most of whom emigrated there alongside the Jewish emigration and did so in order to take advantage of the increased economic opportunities that accompanied the Jewish immigration, considered themselves to be either part of the emerging Jewish state or as part of a greater Arab state."

The "underreported" role of al-Husseini "reveals volumes" about the confusion and controversy, says Morse. The founder of Arab Palestine, al-Husseini, was appointed as Mufti of Jerusalem and as the head of the Arab Higher Committee by the British in the Palestine Mandate in 1921.

Before the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, Morse continued, the region – named Palestine by the British – spent more than four centuries as part of the Ottoman province of Syria.

"Husseini," said Morse, "was a pan-Arabist who viewed the region first as part of Syria and later as part of the Ummah, or the Arab motherland."

During World War II, Husseini stayed in Berlin where "after meeting with Hitler, he was regarded by the Nazis as the exiled head of a future Nazi-Arab state."

Husseini, Morse says, raised "the profile of Jerusalem is a site important to Islam."

"He raised funds in Arab and Islamic countries to gold plate the Dome of the Mosque known today as the Dome of the Rock by claiming that there was a Jewish conspiracy to blow it up," Morse says.

In researching "The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism," which reveals the forgotten roots of Islamic radicalism during World War II and documents how Hitler's ideology still impacts the Middle East today, Morse reached some stark conclusions about Islam's "deceptive nature and merciless intents."

Even an ardent critic of Morse's claimed "The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism," was a "well-researched and, strangely enough, factually accurate though its conclusions are questionable [since in links] elements of Middle Eastern Islam with the original Nazi Party, and was able to bring the influence forward to the modern day, however questionably."

Interestingly, Morse says, the main holy sites of Islam are Mecca and Medina and the few references to Jerusalem and Israel in the Quran "actually call for the creation of a Jewish state."

Winston Churchill, says Morse, divided the British Mandate of Palestine along the Jordan River into East Palestine – or Trans-Jordan – and West Palestine or Cis-Jordan.

Trans-Jordan, Morse continues, "would be recognized by the U.N. as the Kingdom of Jordan in 1947" and was to be exclusively Arab Palestine, while Cis-Jordan, or Palestine, "would likewise be recognized as Israel by the U.N. in 1947."

From the 1948 Israel war of Independence and until the 1967 Six Day War, the region west of the Jordan River that was occupied by the Kingdom of Jordan was known as West Jordan and the Arabs living there were Jordanian citizens, said Morse.

"Ahmad Shukairi – the founder of the PLO – stated in 1969 that 'Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan,'" said Morse. "PLO member Abu Iyad recounted in his memoir 'Palestinian without a Motherland' that he and other PLO members had been advised by the North Vietnamese to develop the 'two-state' idea in 1973."

So the North Vietnamese, said Morse, actually "advised Iyad to 'stop talking about annihilating Israel and instead turn your terror war into a struggle for human rights. Then you will have the American people eating out of your hand.'"

Soon, he said, the "Soviet-sponsored PLO continued their war against Israel both through terrorism" and through promoting the "diplomatic artifice that has become known as the 'two-state solution.'"

"But always," said Morse, "the movement for Palestinian Arab sovereignty west of the Jordan River remains nothing more than a vanguard movement seeking the eventual destruction of the State of Israel. And President Obama is simply its latest spokesperson."
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline serbian army

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Re: Obama warns: Support 'Palestine' or 'more blood' will flow
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2010, 06:16:47 PM »
Chaim was right about foreign policy that this country will have after the elections.  :'(
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: Obama warns: Support 'Palestine' or 'more blood' will flow
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2010, 08:30:58 AM »
Chaim is usually right about everything!   Oh Israel, Don't let the Palestinians and the American Government stop you from building settlements or Dividing Jerusalem!   God will uphold you with his Mighty Hand.  I don't know the circumstances in between, but I know the Finale Outcome.

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: Obama warns: Support 'Palestine' or 'more blood' will flow
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2010, 02:52:31 PM »
Something Evil,  This way comes.