Re: "there's currently only one Republican in either branch of the U.S. Congress: Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor. While Cantor has good positions on most issues, I'm not confident that he would remain firm in support of Israel ( in a way that's acceptable to JTF ) when push truly comes to shove. If you are interested, I'll provide a video on why I believe this.
I find it very disturbing that while JTF supports an immediate end to U.S. foreign aid to Israel, so that Israel will depend only on Ha'Shem and itself, so many forum members give this important mission statement nothing but "lip service".
The rest of their time is spent worrying themselves sick about which members of the Legislative Branch will continue to support Israel!
You're not talking just about their "commentary" here - you're talking about both their public and legislative commitments in continuing to send billions of American dollars to Israel in the form of foreign aid loans and weapons purchases.
There is even a huge U.S. military base located on and occupying Israeli land.
I simply can not fathom how it is that otherwise intelligent people are able to agree inside their own minds with two totally opposing and incompatible concepts at the same time; jumping with ease from giving lip service to one and then to the other, as if that is true Zionist philosophy.
And, rest assured, my position stated above will be met here by the usual, typical JTF "knee-jerk reaction", claiming that "Without the support of the GOP and/or Congress, Israel will be nuked!"
To those with such thinking, all I can say in response is the following:
So long as "current Washington support for Israel" is supporting an Israeli government which comes begging each year to Washington with its hand out for more and more money, fully believing that Washington's support is the only reason for Israel's continued existence, then Israel is already guaranteed to get nuked by its hostile neighbors. Only by cutting off all outside financial support to Israel will the Jews there do what is necessary for their own survival, and that means "taking out" all hostiles within their region that threaten them, and that includes the traitorous Jews there as well as all others.