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Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #50 on: June 11, 2007, 01:39:42 PM »
The question is why we must have MLK day force down our throats?  You mean to tell me this communist dog, traitor, who hated America must have one day all to himself and we close down everything for this day and obligated to observe this day when we had wonderful men like our founding fathers who deserve real recognition all clumped into one day and you hear blacks " Colombus Day be racist", " President Day was racist".  You all can thank Christopher Colombus for landing in the west that we are here today. And thank our founding fathers like Washington and Jefferson for giving us such a great gift.  This nation.   What gift MLK give us????  "I have a dream one day Black thugs will rob from little old ladies"?


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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #51 on: June 11, 2007, 01:56:09 PM »
The question is why we must have MLK day force down our throats?  You mean to tell me this communist dog, traitor, who hated America must have one day all to himself and we close down everything for this day and obligated to observe this day when we had wonderful men like our founding fathers who deserve real recognition all clumped into one day and you hear blacks " Colombus Day be racist", " President Day was racist".  You all can thank Christopher Colombus for landing in the west that we are here today. And thank our founding fathers like Washington and Jefferson for giving us such a great gift.  This nation.   What gift MLK give us????  "I have a dream one day Black thugs will rob from little old ladies"?
He dosen't have to be forced down your throat... what you can do is celebrate the day off by doing something YOU want to do for yourself. You can ignore the fact that MIL lived in the first place...(I doubt he'd mind...) I've never called Columbus Day racist but I can't understand why a day is celebrated in the honor of someone who landed on someone else's land, then helped to irraticate the Natives here just to say he 'owned/discovered (stole)' some land. I never called Washington or Jefferson racist...after all, one of the two had children, willingly with a slave he owned...Sally Henton ring a bell? Now there are desendents of Jefferson and Henton in the world. :)

Martin Luther King, Jr. made sure that blacks' voices were heard during the civil right's movement. This was surely a time that blacks needed representation. And that dream had nothing to do with black thugs robbing little old ladies. Everyone has a choice to do right or do wrong...unfortunately those evil blacks ignored the true message of his speeches and lost their minds. Don't blame that on him.

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #52 on: June 11, 2007, 04:10:58 PM »
I don't have to celebrate anything about MLK he was a communist.  And no one has to actually celebrate anything about MLK.  His so called civil rights ended up in the civil wrong.

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #53 on: June 11, 2007, 05:48:55 PM »
I never called Washington or Jefferson racist...after all, one of the two had children, willingly with a slave he owned...Sally Henton ring a bell? Now there are desendents of Jefferson and Henton in the world. :)

The allegation that Thomas Jefferson fathered a child with his slave is a hoax.  It has been disproven by DNA evidence.

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Offline fjack

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #54 on: June 11, 2007, 06:13:06 PM »
Imerica, why won't they release the records of this drunken white hater whore monger pig? Why? Did you know that the white hater taylor branch in his book said that mlk had a stash of whores all over the country, but taylor the filthly self hater would not say who they were. I did see on tony brown's journal that a Louisana rep said that she was mlk's pet pig for many years. Is tony brown a liar? Why do you ignore the facts? Can't you face up to the fact that this primate was a drunken whore monger cheat fraud phoney fake and a fraud? Or is it because you see so much in him as you see in yourself.

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #55 on: June 11, 2007, 06:26:35 PM »
They been shoveling this manuer for 40, 50 years. Look I never owned a slave.  My ancestors weren't even on this continent owned slaves so in all actuallity I owe blacks nothing.   Remember the repartation crap?  Anything they can do to try to swindel people for money.  How about billions of money lost and wasted in trying to help those who never want to get ont heir own 2 feet to help themselves?  And if you have no intention of wanting to "celebrate" Martin Lucifer King day they start throwing the race card.  Well, that race card attempt never has and never will wash with me.  They been here 500 years and still they complain that "they oppressed".  Concidered what they were doing in Africa, they were still unable to rub 2 sticks together to build fire I think they have gotten it pretty damn good here.  We give em free housing, free medical, free foodstamps, free money.  I mean how much more can you possibly do for people who refuse to do for themselves? 

Thats it maybe I should get me a black dog and name it Foodstamps.


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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #56 on: June 11, 2007, 07:46:34 PM »
Imerica, why won't they release the records of this drunken white hater whore monger pig? Why? Did you know that the white hater taylor branch in his book said that mlk had a stash of whores all over the country, but taylor the filthly self hater would not say who they were. I did see on tony brown's journal that a Louisana rep said that she was mlk's pet pig for many years. Is tony brown a liar? Why do you ignore the facts? Can't you face up to the fact that this primate was a drunken whore monger cheat fraud phoney fake and a fraud? Or is it because you see so much in him as you see in yourself.
Why are you asking me? LOL I don't work for the FBI... why don't you go to their website and ask them why they won't release the FBI info on MLK? Hope it makes you feel better. lol

You all are up in arms over hearsay...that's all it can be called since the FBI files are sealed. And his own friend, Abernathy, while he admits that MLK had extra marital affairs, he never did a lot of the things that you and people on different sites say he did. And white haters usually don't hang around a lot of white people. And another thing.. who in the hell is Tony Brown?

And lastly, just because you're angry with MLK for your own personal reasons dosen't give you the right to disrespect me by assuming that I'm doing the things 'YOU SAY' he did.


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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #57 on: June 11, 2007, 07:54:48 PM »
They been shoveling this manuer for 40, 50 years. Look I never owned a slave.  My ancestors weren't even on this continent owned slaves so in all actuallity I owe blacks nothing.   Remember the repartation crap?  Anything they can do to try to swindel people for money.  How about billions of money lost and wasted in trying to help those who never want to get ont heir own 2 feet to help themselves?  And if you have no intention of wanting to "celebrate" Martin Lucifer King day they start throwing the race card.  Well, that race card attempt never has and never will wash with me.  They been here 500 years and still they complain that "they oppressed".  Concidered what they were doing in Africa, they were still unable to rub 2 sticks together to build fire I think they have gotten it pretty damn good here.  We give em free housing, free medical, free foodstamps, free money.  I mean how much more can you possibly do for people who refuse to do for themselves? 

Thats it maybe I should get me a black dog and name it Foodstamps.
No one said that you had anything to do with slavery. So no, you don't owe any black person whose ancestors were slaves an apology, any reparations or nothing of the sort. Housing here isn't free... medical still requires a co-payment. However I am with you on your last point,.... not the "black dog ::) " statement... but the "How much more could you possibly do for people who refuse to do for themselves?" I think there are able bodied blacks out there who can do more for themselves than Uncle Sam could ever do. Unfortunately some get comfortable at the bottom and don't mind staying there. A pity for them. As a former child whose mom was on public aid; which helped to feed and clothe my siblings and I, I understand the meaning of hard work. That experience humbled me to the point that I don't take for granted that there are other things out there for me to do besides just get on public assistance. As long as I'm educated, I can have a job.

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #58 on: June 11, 2007, 10:22:12 PM »
   I'm wondering what really happened the day Rosa Parks was arrested. I'm wondering if she just sat down peacefully or if she sat down and started making a lot of noise. From a moral standpoint I don't feel that anyone should be discriminated based upon race, however, I do respect a private bus company's right to make their own rules. When the government starts funding the private bus companies, it should be the tax payers who deserve representation to decide the rules. The busses were a lot more privately run back in the 50s.
   While I do believe it was wrong to discriminate against blacks in the 50s, I can't help but notice the public transportation systems today and imagine that many of the same problems existed back then. Take the NYC subway system. Almost all of the homeless bums are black. Looks at all the rap noise that they blast in the cars. Look at the graffiti problem back in the 80s. The city has to spend extra money to make the cars graffiti resistant and the scratchiti still exists. Look at all the muggings that take place. Take a look at the busses in any other city. Most of them are funded by white tax payer money, but the passengers are just about all black. My gut feeling about Montgomery Alabama was that they had to institute these policies for safety and quality of life. The south is known for southern hospitality and my feeling is that if Rosa Parks was quite, orderly and polite she might have been asked to move but would not have been fined or arrested. Michael Lucifer King was an opportunist who used this as an example to scam a lot of people for money.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?


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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #59 on: June 12, 2007, 12:31:08 AM »
   I'm wondering what really happened the day Rosa Parks was arrested. I'm wondering if she just sat down peacefully or if she sat down and started making a lot of noise. From a moral standpoint I don't feel that anyone should be discriminated based upon race, however, I do respect a private bus company's right to make their own rules. When the government starts funding the private bus companies, it should be the tax payers who deserve representation to decide the rules. The busses were a lot more privately run back in the 50s.
   While I do believe it was wrong to discriminate against blacks in the 50s, I can't help but notice the public transportation systems today and imagine that many of the same problems existed back then. Take the NYC subway system. Almost all of the homeless bums are black. Looks at all the rap noise that they blast in the cars. Look at the graffiti problem back in the 80s. The city has to spend extra money to make the cars graffiti resistant and the scratchiti still exists. Look at all the muggings that take place. Take a look at the busses in any other city. Most of them are funded by white tax payer money, but the passengers are just about all black. My gut feeling about Montgomery Alabama was that they had to institute these policies for safety and quality of life. The south is known for southern hospitality and my feeling is that if Rosa Parks was quite, orderly and polite she might have been asked to move but would not have been fined or arrested. Michael Lucifer King was an opportunist who used this as an example to scam a lot of people for money.

So you think that just because you saw some blacks on public transportation acting stupid, that Rosa Parks must have been that kind of person? Whatever...

Here's an account of what 'really' happened on that day...

Dates: February 4, 1913 - October 24, 2005
Also known as: Mother of the Civil Rights Movement
On December 1, 1955, forty-three year old Rosa Parks boarded a Montgomery, Alabama city bus after finishing work as a tailor's assistant at the Montgomery Fair department store. As all black patrons were required to do, she paid her fare at the front of the bus and then re-boarded in the rear. She sat in a vacant seat in the back next to a man and across the aisle from two women.

After a few stops, the seats in the front of the bus became full and a white man who had boarded, stood in the aisle. The bus driver asked Parks, the man next to her, and the two women to let the white man have their seats. As the others moved, Parks remained in her seat. The bus driver again asked her to move, but she refused. The driver called the police, and she was arrested.
The arrest of Parks sparked the bus boycott in Montgomery. After Parks arrest, community leaders spread the word that a one day bus boycott was scheduled for December 5. On that cold and cloudy morning, onlookers watched as the buses drove by with few black passengers onboard. The boycott had been a success. The boycott continued and lasted for 381 days. On December 20, 1956, buses were desegregated.

Sometimes saying , "No, I won't move." without having to raise your voice makes people who don't like rejection act out the way the bus driver chose to. So she was arrested for saying "no". Plus she was sitting at the back of the bus! She obeyed the law! Because the bus was crowded she and two other black people were told to get up to let ONE man sit down. She refused and then she got arrested. I wouldn't have gotten up either. I feel like this...even though those were the times, she obeyed the seating law.

My best friend took her children to a museum in Michigan where the bus that Rosa Parks made history on, was there on display. She had each of her kids board the bus and sit in Rosa's seat. She told me that they had new appreciation for human rights after sitting in that seat.

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #60 on: June 12, 2007, 10:34:52 PM »

   While the story sounds convincing, I really don't buy it. I can beleive that the company might have had one or two bad bus drivers. I doubt the entire police department was in on the action. They were good bible beleiving Christians and probably would do nothing more than escort her off the bus if she was not causing problems.
   I really find it difficult to beleive a bus driver would stop his route when the bus was crowded to argue with a lady who was just being a good citizen. Most drivers would want to finish the route as quickly as possible so they could have more free time when they finish.
   Separate but equal was the policy back then so I find it real hard to beleive that she would be asked to vacate a seat in the back resevered for blacks.
   Unfortionately I have not been able to find sources that tell the other side of the story. An excellent job has been done to purge things such as the testimony of the bus driver, the arresting officers, and bystanders onboard the bus. I hope someone on this forum might be able to help me find some of these sources as they will shed light onto the truth.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2007, 09:25:55 PM by takebackourtemple »
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #61 on: June 13, 2007, 01:11:58 AM »

   While the story sounds convincing, I really don't buy it. I can beleive that the company might have had one or two bad bus drivers. I doubt the entire police department was in on the action. They were good bible beleiving Christians and probably would do nothing more than escort her off the bus if she was not causing problems.
   I really find it difficult to beleive a bus driver would stop his route when the bus was crowded to argue with a lady who was just being a good citizen. Most drivers would want to finish the route as quickly as possible so they could have more free time when they finish.
   Separate but equal was the policy back then so I find it real hard to beleive that she would be asked to vacate a seat in the back resevered for blacks.
   Unfortionately I have not been able to find sources that tell the other side of the story. An excellent job has been done to purge things such as the testimony of the bus driver, the arresting officers, and bystanders onboard the bus. I hope someone on this forum might be able to help me find some of these sources as they will shed light onto the truth.
   Here is another link about the communist Michael Lucifer King:

You do know that Christianparty is anti-Semitic organization its more anti-Semitic than anti-Black!

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #62 on: June 13, 2007, 09:26:15 PM »
Thanks for the insight.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #63 on: June 13, 2007, 11:53:40 PM »

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #64 on: June 16, 2007, 08:28:33 AM »
Parks was a secretary for the national association for the advancement of criminal people. She was trained to disrupt the bus service. There was another black thing that did the same as parks but she was a foul mouthed whore and the national association for the advancment of criminal people would not back her. They decided to go with parks who did fill their bill. They instructed her on what to do. It is interesting to note that the picture that you see of her on the bus was staged by the New York Times. The white man you see sitting behind her was a reporter for the New York Times. Parks also went to the same commie training camp school that michael lucifer king went to. Parks died broke. At the time of her death she was trying to extort monies from some rappers that used her name in one of their vulgarities. She died broke, a complete failure in life.


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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #65 on: June 16, 2007, 07:08:09 PM »
Parks was a secretary for the national association for the advancement of criminal people. She was trained to disrupt the bus service. There was another black thing that did the same as parks but she was a foul mouthed whore and the national association for the advancment of criminal people would not back her. They decided to go with parks who did fill their bill. They instructed her on what to do. It is interesting to note that the picture that you see of her on the bus was staged by the New York Times. The white man you see sitting behind her was a reporter for the New York Times. Parks also went to the same commie training camp school that michael lucifer king went to. Parks died broke. At the time of her death she was trying to extort monies from some rappers that used her name in one of their vulgarities. She died broke, a complete failure in life.
You are a liar. Rosa Parks was a tailor's assistant who had to take the bus EVERYDAY after work. You saying that she was some 'plant' the NAACP put on the bus is like Allen saying that I'm a spy. Some people will demean others only do it to discredit them.

That picture you are referring to was taken after blacks got the right to board the buses just like whites. Of course there 'may have been a reporter behind her'. That picture wasn't of the incident. What she did made news. And what are you attempting to accomplish by stating that she died broke. Obviously money dosen't matter to her now. Get over yourself.

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #66 on: June 16, 2007, 10:39:59 PM »
   If it wasn't staged, how do they know exactly what bus it was? I'm assuming they had quite a few on the route. It is interesting to see that the black community let her die broke. She succeeded in extorting her landlord to give her free rent the last few years of her life. The landlord was going to evict her and then suddenly changed his tune. Probably because she threatened to label him as a racist.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #67 on: June 16, 2007, 10:49:47 PM »
   If it wasn't staged, how do they know exactly what bus it was? I'm assuming they had quite a few on the route. It is interesting to see that the black community let her die broke. She succeeded in extorting her landlord to give her free rent the last few years of her life. The landlord was going to evict her and then suddenly changed his tune. Probably because she threatened to label him as a racist.
The thing that always amazed me was that she was attacked and robbed by a black teen in her home in the last few years of her life. This goes to show you that nothing and nobody is safe from evil blacks. Here was a person that should have been held in high regard in the black community and even she was not exempt from the satanic behavior of crazy blacks.  What chance would the average white person have living in the same place.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #68 on: June 16, 2007, 11:48:34 PM »
   If it wasn't staged, how do they know exactly what bus it was? I'm assuming they had quite a few on the route. It is interesting to see that the black community let her die broke. She succeeded in extorting her landlord to give her free rent the last few years of her life. The landlord was going to evict her and then suddenly changed his tune. Probably because she threatened to label him as a racist.
I know what bus I took from home to school every day, when I was in high school and I graduated 15 years ago. Its called memory. ::) And the last few years of Rosa's life she was suffering from dimentia. You think she had the werewithal to swindle money from her landlord JUST within the last 3 years of her life? Why hadn't she done it before? And it wasn't the responsibility of the black community to keep money in Rosa's pockets. She worked before AND after the civil rights' movement. I'm sure she had some kind of social security benefit and other people around her taking care of her until she died though.

God bless her for refusing to give up her seat, for I would be in the back of the bus cowering at the feet of the 'evil' white man. (this is excluding the good white people).

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #69 on: June 17, 2007, 09:04:45 AM »
Parks worked for Ed Nixon as his secretary at the national association for the advancement of criminal people. She also sewed to bring in some extra dough. The action she took was 'planned'. The first patsy that nixon used was such a degenerate mess that he decided that it would look bad if he decided to back her. Parks wasn't like the first woman so they decided that she would be the one to destroy public transportation for everyone. Try and ride a bus or the subway in New York and you will see what I mean. The picture that you see of her on the bus with the white man setting behind her (he was a NY times reporter) was staged after the fact. In later life rosa worked for white hater john conyers, who wife was recently locked up after a drunden brawl in some gin mill. So besides destroying public transportation she also sponged off the taxpayer by having a do nothing job in the congress. When conyers was running for re-election or wanted some kind of stupid anti-white law passed, he would let rosa out of the closet and parade her around likea pet. These are facts!. It is also a fact that she went to the same communist fronted high school that michael lucifer king went to. If you read and see most of the articles written about her, you are given the impression that she did not know michael lucifer king, but then again, what would you expect from a white hating, liberal anti american mass media. So the next time you see black youth destroying buses and subway cars, throwing garbage all over the subway stations, sleeping on subways, using platforms and cars as toilets, annoying whtie passengers by constantly demanding monies and generally acting afro centric, you can just say, 'thank you miss rosa'.

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #70 on: June 17, 2007, 10:31:23 AM »
You learn something new every day!
Thanks FJack for enlightening me.
I never knew that Rosa Parks worked for the NAACP or John Conyers.
It only takes a little research to see that what you say is true.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #71 on: June 17, 2007, 12:31:44 PM »
"destroy mass transportation' Rosa was an organizer for the national association for the advancement of criminal people. The naacp was loaded with commies who reconized that the blacks would follow any type of organization that would promise them anything. That is why so many blacks are becoming muslims. The muslims know that the blacks will believe any one that tells them how evil whites and expecially Jews are. When the blacks have served their purpose that muslims will enslave them like they have been doing for 1400 years. I am sure Imerica will rant and rave but she was only told black mythology, such as the black invention myths. The liberal media will only publish what it wants. You rarely ever see the later speeches of king where he is calling for reparations, saying that he wants tribute from coca cola, banks, insurance companies. He also said that the US was the worst oppressor in the world and that it must become more communistic to ease the plight of the black hordes. We did not have too much trouble with the wetbacks, since the memory of Eisenhower was still fresh in their minds. Listen to that swine's speech at the Riverside church and you can get a little glimpse into what that drunken whore monger white hater was all about.

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #72 on: June 17, 2007, 12:37:46 PM »
fjack, your posts are always factual and enlightening.
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Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #73 on: June 17, 2007, 12:50:00 PM »
   And the last few years of Rosa's life she was suffering from dimentia.
   She was mentally ill her entire life.

   You think she had the werewithal to swindle money from her landlord JUST within the last 3 years of her life? Why hadn't she done it before?

   She spent most of her life swindling money from people. That was the one thing she was good at in life. With her stature after the bus fiasco it was a lot easier for her to.

   And it wasn't the responsibility of the black community to keep money in Rosa's pockets.

   Yes, the black community expected whites to finance her. It's easy to demand that the white tax payer and wealthy businesses support her. It's another thing to reach into your own pockets and give something to her.

   G-d bless her for refusing to give up her seat, for I would be in the back of the bus cowering at the feet of the 'evil' white man. (this is excluding the good white people).

   I agree that it is wrong to discriminate against someone based on race. The racial segregation was a lesser of two evils when it was compared to all the damage that blacks did to the public transportation system. It was something that separated good people from bad people, but was not perfect since there were a handful of good blacks and bad whites. I would think that separating the bus based on taxes(or a first class bus fare) that patrons paid would be a better system. The bottom line though is that this particular bus company was a private business, this act was staged, and Rosa Parks was not just a quite law abiding passenger who sat down in a seat resevered for blacks and was asked to stand for someone who was white.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

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Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
« Reply #74 on: June 17, 2007, 04:18:48 PM »
   If it wasn't staged, how do they know exactly what bus it was? I'm assuming they had quite a few on the route. It is interesting to see that the black community let her die broke. She succeeded in extorting her landlord to give her free rent the last few years of her life. The landlord was going to evict her and then suddenly changed his tune. Probably because she threatened to label him as a racist.
The thing that always amazed me was that she was attacked and robbed by a black teen in her home in the last few years of her life. This goes to show you that nothing and nobody is safe from evil blacks. Here was a person that should have been held in high regard in the black community and even she was not exempt from the satanic behavior of crazy blacks.  What chance would the average white person have living in the same place.
You are right.
If the black community could take care of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson why couldn't they take care of poor Rosa Parks