Just like Israeli Ashkenazi & Sefardi Chief Rabbis Lau and Bakshi-Doron flew out to Hevron by helicopter the day after Baruch
Kakodosh cleaned out the mosque, "to beg foregivness from the Imam of El Khalil on behalf of the entire Jewish People", so too do "Moderdox" arch anti-Kahanists Shlomo Riskin of Efrat and Aharon Lichtenstein of Alon Shvut "Kiss the Crescent" in typical obsequious court-Jew fashion over the trashing of the Fajar mosque, personally restocking the mosque shelves with new hateful-Korans paid for with Jewish money
http://www.jpost.com/Israel/Article.aspx?id=190301when in fact it was probably a "false flag" or Black Ops" action by provocateurs working for the the Shabak-CIA-PLO!
No wonder that Chaim's former right-hand-man Yosef ben Meir z"l used to call Riskin "Rabbi Slimeball"!

If most of Yesha worship these "rabbis", then no wonder Hashem has decreed that Yesha will be emptied out of Jews again!