From Robert Spencer's Jihadwatch site: rejects white supremacists, neo-Nazis trying to infiltrate
Here is a message from English Defense League leader Tommy Robinson, further belying charges that the group is racist, neo-fascist, neo-Nazi, etc. "Extreme Far Right Nationalists Trying To Recruit EDL":
"Members......BEWARE! As our movement grows rapidly, as our support grows rapidly, we need to address some concerns with regard to the infiltration of National Socialists.
National Socialism is Fascism, let's make no apologies for a violent racist ideology much akin to I...slamism. This white supremacist cancer only seeks to destroy the EDL, people who follow such an ideology can't consider themselves to be EDL members, the EDL have made it plain and clear time and time again that we support Israel's right to exist, we have made it plain and clear that we welcome anyone, regardless of race, religion, colour or creed into our ranks as long as they support our aims and objectives. Nazis have no place in the EDL, the EDL want Nazis exposed and ejected from our demonstrations, we want no part in their sickening schemes, we do not want them attaching themselves to the EDL movement, there is no place for racism in the EDL, our diversity and our integrity is our strength. We ask that all members be vigilant, as we know that extreme far right groups are out to destroy the EDL; they want to recruit our members into their own fascist cause, the EDL will not tolerate fascism in any form.
My grandparents fought a long and hard war against the Nazis so we can enjoy the freedoms we have today, were it not for the blood sacrifice of our ancestors we would be speaking German and Britain as we know it would not exist today. How can anyone in their right mind support an ideology that caused the deaths of millions upon millions of white, black, and asian peoples? These are just a few examples many more "ethnic groups" were killed because of their beliefs, because of their skin colour, because they were deemed "inferior" to the white man, they were treated like animals and slaughtered like animals simply because fascists wanted to install a new world order based off of racial supremacy. I am PROUD that my ancestors fought against such tyranny, they fought long and hard to free the world from a regime of oppression and ethnic hatred.
Nazism and Islamism are opposite sides of the same coin, both are supremacist in nature, both are ideologically intolerable of "others" who don't conform. Both have an inherent hatred of Jews.
We as an inclusive movement have to be on guard against such evil forces, we have a duty to uphold our beliefs, we have a duty to protect, encourage and embrace anyone regardless of their ancestry into the fold of the English Defence League. Patriotism is not confined to Nationalism, nor is it confined to skin colour, patriotism transcends such things. If you want to fight for this country we don't care who you are, where you are from or what beliefs you hold because you are prepared to fight for this country, a patriot stands up for freedom loving people, a patriot stands against fascism in any form whether it be far right or far left.
If there is ever a picture of complete traitorous stupidity, this is it....

How can anyone of sound mind burn an Anti-Nazi flag? It beggars belief! This is what the EDL stand for......
^"English Defence League response to the lies of the UAF and some elements of the press."
Ever since we have burnt the Nazi flag in the presence of our Black friends, the extreme far right nutjobs of the National Front, Blood And Honour, Combat 18, British Freedom Fighters and other affiliated yet "autonomous" Nationalistic racist groups have come out to cause us trouble. So draconian and out of touch are these Anti-Semites, these racist Nazis have need to prey upon other pro nationalistic/pro patriotic groups to try and turn the heads of the uninformed, to bring them in and actively recruit off the back of EDL success.
If you want to see just how upset white supremacists are with the EDL, then look here....
For further information on these new "autonomous" racist Nationalistic groups popping up actively recruiting the young and impressionable then look here....
The EDL have a duty to inform our members and in particular our young more impressionable members and warn them of the dangers of such groups, they are in no way patriotic or loyal to our cause, they too are the enemy. Again, for clarity the EDL DO NOT SUPPORT OR CONDONE TRAITOROUS NAZIS!!!!
In Luton we have many Islamist troubles that are well documented by the press and by the police, is it no surprise that very little was reported on us running the National Front out of town when they tied to recruit on the back of our demonstrations as the United People Of Luton? Please take time to read this article..... [link requires a bit of patience to load, I had to click past Facebook for some reason]
We will not be hijacked by oppressive forces, we will never surrender our cause or our aims for the racist supremacist fascist minority.
Nazi groups like to use numerical symbolism to represent their aims, for example 14/88, which usually refers to 14 words written by David Lane, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." 88 representing David Lane's 88 precepts, or sometimes the eighth letter in the alphabet (h), to represent Heil Hitler. Others say that "88" refers to 88 words from Mein Kampf (author Adolph Hitler) about the supremacy of the white race. Combat 18 use this numerical symbolism to define the 1st and the 8th letter in the alphabet, this refers to Adolph Hitler, a murderous tyrant who was defeated by patriotic Brits and their allies. The EDL do not venerate such an evil man, we despise him and his legacy, we WILL continue to fight against such tyranny.
We advise and implore EDL members to keep away from such groups as they only attract trouble, they only want to cause trouble, and of course they will only get trouble if they continue to threaten our very existence as a social group defending the sovereignty of our lands from the forces of Islamism. We will never surrender ourselves to a Nazi ideology.
As any real member of the EDL will know, it is imperative that Nazis are identified to our stewards, so we can eject traitorous scum from our ranks and from our demos. The EDL stand for freedom; we don't stand for Nazism.
Long live the free!
E E EDL.....E E EDL.......E E EDL.....E E EDL!!!!!"