As his ammunition was depleted, Baruch actually fixed a bayonet to his M16 and managed to eviscerate two bat-swinging Arabs with it and wound one, before being overwhelmed.
To save gelt, and because they're perceived as being "cruel" and "un-Jewish", bayonets are imbecilically not issued at all by the Zahal
uberdumpf Quartermaster Corps to gormless Israeli troops, who are thus helpless in close-quarter combat with Arab soldiers who all have bayonets for their AKs, including the not-to-be-underestimated 30,000 PLO 'police' force, who are all bayonet-savvy and jus' raring to slice and dice soft Jewish soldier-flesh.
Baruch Hakodosh had had the foresight to bring one over when he came on Aliyah, as a gift from a relative who had served in Vietnam.

Now if only Baruch had gone in with some backup, then we'd have had an Ishamelitic body count
worth talking about!

(this is not Goldstein, but one of our fellows somewhat akin to him: lithe & packing!)