Author Topic: Netanyahu is another fool who wants to surrender everything. CAROLINE GLICK  (Read 921 times)

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Column One: We are not for sale
If Netanyahu wishes to be remembered as something more than another hack, no different from Livni and all the rest, he should end these destructive talks and tell the Obama administration the truth.   
 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is playing with fire. And Israel is getting burned. Over the past week, it has been widely reported that the Obama administration and the Netanyahu government are conducting secret negotiations regarding future Israeli land surrenders to the Palestinians in the Jordan Valley and Jerusalem. According to the reports, the Obama administration has presented Netanyahu with a plan whereby Israel will cede its rights to eastern Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley to the Palestinians and then lease the areas from the Palestinians for a limited period.

The reports on the length of the lease vary. Some claim that the White House is offering a seven-year rental. Others claim the Americans are offering Israel leases for Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley for several decades before it relinquishes them completely.

Netanyahu has reportedly accepted Obama’s proposal in principle. The only remaining dispute is the length of the lease. Netanyahu is demanding that Israel be permitted to lease Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley from the Palestinians for somewhere between 40 and 99 years. The Americans foresee a shorter timeframe.

The fact that these discussions are taking place is deeply disturbing both for what they tell us about the Obama administration’s view of Israel and for what they tell us about Netanyahu’s wisdom and character.

By calling for Israel to cede the Jordan Valley to the Palestinians, US President Barack Obama is ignoring the most fundamental reality of the Middle East: Israel is besieged by its neighbors who seek its destruction. Without the Jordan Valley, Israel would become the modern day equivalent of Czechoslovakia stripped of the Sudetenland in 1938. It would be utterly indefensible.

None of Israel’s neighbors has accepted Israel’s right to exist. The absolute majority of the Arabs in all of the states neighboring Israel wish to see Israel destroyed. By relinquishing the Jordan Valley, Israel would be committing national suicide by inviting an invasion it would be incapable of staving off.

This is the truth today, and given the depth of Arab hatred of Jews, in all likelihood, it will remain the case in 40 years and in 99 years. At any rate, Obama’s suggestion that Israel entrust its future to an unsubstantiated hope that the Arab world will be fundamentally transformed is both ignorant and dangerous.

As for Netanyahu, he has no right to gamble away Israel’s future. He has no right to commit future generations to strategic suicide on the basis of Obama’s strategic myopia.

The very notion that Israel ought to ever surrender control over the Jordan Valley is egregious and unacceptable. And by proposing that Israel do so, the Obama administration is destroying the last vestiges of its credibility as an ally to the Jewish state. But that is not the worst aspect of the reported US proposal to Israel.

The worst aspect of the US proposal is that it calls for Israel to cede Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley to the Palestinians and then lease them from the Palestinians.

Speaking to Army Radio, Science Minister Daniel Herschkowitz explained, “If we agree to the offer, we will be broadcasting to the Palestinians that the land is actually theirs.”

Indeed, we would. But it is worse than that.

Jerusalem is the center of Jewish history, civilization, culture and faith. It is the lifeblood of the Jewish state and the Jewish people. As for the Jordan Valley, Jerusalem cannot be defended without it. When the US asks Israel to lease the areas from the Palestinians, what the US is telling Israel is that it rejects the very notion of Jewish national rights to the State of Israel.

Perhaps one day Israel’s leaders may be foolish enough to withdraw from Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley. Perhaps one day they will be stupid enough to withdraw from the Galilee and the Negev. But no Israeli leader has the right to cede the Jewish people’s national rights to the Land of Israel to anyone.

At heart, the US proposal entails an Israeli submission to the Palestinians. It requires Israel’s leaders to say that the Palestinians have all the rights. We just have some minor security and political considerations. These considerations in turn are of limited duration and once they are settled, we will be out of everybody’s way. The Palestinians will be free to enjoy all of their rights without the troublesome Jews around bothering them.

NETANYAHU KNOWS full well that Israel cannot survive without the Jordan Valley. He also knows that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people and that we are the rightful owners of this land. So what explains his actions?

In acting as he is, Netanyahu is clearly trying to avert yet another crisis with the Obama administration. No doubt he believes that the Palestinians will save the day again by refusing to make a deal with Israel. Just as the Palestinians refuse to accept Israel’s right to exist, just as they refuse to give up on their demand that Israel destroy itself by accepting millions of foreign-born Arabs as full citizens in the framework of a “peace” agreement; and just as they refuse to accept any limitations on the sovereignty of a future Palestinian state, so Netanyahu believes, they will refuse to lease the Jordan Valley and Jerusalem to Israel for 40 or 99 years.

Netanyahu may be right to think this. The Palestinians may reject the deal. But he is taking an enormous risk.

Yasser Arafat didn’t have a problem lying to Yitzhak Rabin in 1993. To get Rabin to set up the Palestinian Authority, arm the PLO, raise billions of dollars in international aid for the PA, and allow it to expand to the outskirts of Israel’s major cities, Arafat lied and said that the PLO recognized Israel and would live at peace with the Jewish state.

It is easy to imagine Mahmoud Abbas, Arafat’s deputy of 40 years, acting in a similar fashion.

And then what would Netanyahu do?

If Netanyahu’s tactics could only cause Israel tactical damage, his gamble that the Palestinians will also refuse this deal might be defensible. But his tactics cause Israel strategic harm even if the Palestinians reject this deal as well. And so they are inexcusable.

Israel cannot survive without the Jordan Valley. By negotiating a surrender of the Jordan Valley, Netanyahu makes it acceptable for the US and the rest of the world to demand that Israel commit national suicide.

Even worse than that, Netanyahu’s willingness to negotiate with the US on the basis of a plan that rejects the Jewish people’s right to the Land of Israel confuses Israel’s friends and so dooms their defenses of Israel to failure.

By accepting the legitimacy of this proposal, Netanyahu is telling Israel’s supporters abroad that the Palestinians are right. Israel belongs to the Arabs more than it belongs to the Jews. With this message, the only thing supporters of Israel can do is encourage the Israeli government to make territorial concessions that are suicidal for the country.

This disastrous belief has been engendered since the inception of the Oslo process in 1993. Its deleterious influence abroad is evidenced by the flood of statements over the years by Israel’s supporters claiming that Israel must vacate Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley and the Golan Heights.

Take a recent statement by the American pollster Frank Luntz. Luntz often advises American pro-Israel groups about how to improve Israel’s image in the world. Yet as this friend of Israel sees things, “The only way for Israel to create sympathy is to be the side working hardest for peace. The best case for Israel is to demonstrate that she is willing to go twice as far as her neighbors to establish peace.”

AND WHILE moves like Netanyahu’s confuse Israel’s friends abroad, his willingness to consider a plan that denies Jewish rights to Israel and calls for Israel to make suicidal withdrawals demoralize Israelis at home. For evidence of this demoralization, one need only look to the Kadima Party.

As Kadima’s leader Tzipi Livni reminds us every time she opens her mouth, Kadima’s plan is for Israel to destroy itself by withdrawing to the indefensible 1949 armistice lines as quickly as possible.

Livni says day in and day out that Israel’s interests are best served by surrendering Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley as quickly as possible. To the extent that Netanyahu tries to withstand US pressure to surrender all these areas, Livni accuses him of endangering the country.

Livni’s most recent broadside came on Wednesday at the Knesset. There she attacked the Netanyahu government for purportedly reacting with happiness to the news that the Republicans won control of the US House of Representatives in Tuesday’s elections.

As she put it, “For those of you who believe that Obama’s loss is good for Netanyahu, I ask myself have you all gone crazy?... He who says that a... weak American president is good for Israel is not just speaking stupidly, they are encouraging something that endangers Israel itself.”

Obviously Livni is wrong. Israel is not best served by preferring the political fortunes of a hostile US president to its national interests and rights. If Netanyahu and his associates expressed happiness at the outcome of the US elections they would be fully justified in doing so. The overwhelming majority of Israelis – who rightly view Obama as hostile – understand this.

But despite the idiocy of Livni’s arguments and the lunacy of Kadima’s policy, consistent opinion polls show Kadima closely trailing Likud. And Netanyahu deserves a large share of the blame for this state of affairs.

When Netanyahu agrees to negotiate from a position of moral weakness and strategic blindness, the message he sends the public is that we should take the likes of Livni seriously. He tells us that the difference between Kadima and Likud is one of tone, not substance.

They are all shoving us off the same cliff, so we might as well go with Blondie.

For 17 long years, successive Israeli leaders have come into office committed to defending the country, only to be reduced within a few short months to quibbling over the price of surrender. Leaders from the Right hoped that the Palestinians would scuttle the deals. Leaders from the Left begged the Palestinians to accept them.

If Netanyahu wishes to be remembered as something more than another hack, no different from Livni and all the rest, he should end these destructive talks and tell the Obama administration the truth: Israel’s survival is nonnegotiable and the rights of the Jewish people are not for sale.

[email protected]

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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Gd Bless the clarity of this woman's vision

Offline Secularbeliever

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I was going to post this if nobody else had.  Keep in mind that Nethanyahu was a guest at Caroline's wedding she does not criticize him lightly.   There is an old joke of a proper lady at a formal event being asked by a gentleman if she will sleep with him for $100.  She calls him a pig.  He says $1000.  She hesitates and says she does not think so.  He says $10,000 and she says yes.  When she asks for the $10k he tells her "I was just establishing what you are now we can negotiate price" 

Nethanyahu is worse than this mythical whore because she was only giving away her own body.  He is giving away the heart, soul and intestines of Israel.  I honestly expected him to be a minor improvement over Olmert and Livni.  I was excited that he brought people like Benny Begin and Tzipi Hotoveli into his government.  Now I can only curse those people who are giving respectablity to his treason.  I actually have more contempt for Nethanyahu, Begin and Hotoveli and Shas (they announced they were cheap whores 17 years ago when they sold their support for Oslo for surprisingly little according to Rabin) than I do for Shimon Peres or Ehud Barak.  The latter may actually believe what they are doing is helpful.  The phoney right has no such illusions.  They just value their power and jobs more than any principles.  Ye Mach Shemo to all of them.
We all need to pray for Barack Obama, may the Lord provide him a safe move back to Chicago in January 2,013.

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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Nicely said Secularbeliever

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She is right; he has no business signing Israel's death warrant.  'Renting' land space: what kind if insanity is that.  Israel's future remains in the hands of the Settlers and heroines like Mrs. Glick
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 08:19:11 AM by JTFenthusiast2 »

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Netanyahu is yet another

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Caroline Glick is a typical Bolshevik hypocrite. She was part of the team sent by the Communist regime to "negotiate" with the Arab invader which Jews should die now (Judean, Samarian, Gazan and Jerusalemite Jews) and which should die later ("Green Line" Jews).

She should die of cancer for the sake of the Jewish people.

Offline Secularbeliever

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Caroline Glick is a typical Bolshevik hypocrite. She was part of the team sent by the Communist regime to "negotiate" with the Arab invader which Jews should die now (Judean, Samarian, Gazan and Jerusalemite Jews) and which should die later ("Green Line" Jews).

She should die of cancer for the sake of the Jewish people.
You should give her credit for learning fron mistakes.  So many do not.
We all need to pray for Barack Obama, may the Lord provide him a safe move back to Chicago in January 2,013.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Caroline Glick is a typical Bolshevik hypocrite. She was part of the team sent by the Communist regime to "negotiate" with the Arab invader which Jews should die now (Judean, Samarian, Gazan and Jerusalemite Jews) and which should die later ("Green Line" Jews).

She should die of cancer for the sake of the Jewish people.
You should give her credit for learning fron mistakes.  So many do not.

Let's see you say that to a Jew from Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem or Gush Katif whose hosue and life was destroyed, his head was smashed and his wife was sexually seduced, or a Jew whose brother was murdered by her Hamas/PLO lover. Such Judenrat crimes are unforgiveable.

Thinking about it, traitors like this are worse. The days in Hitler's Europe were not "picnic" to begin with and she is betraying the Jewish people as a part of an independent Jewish state - she is willingly, without any form of pressure or fear, paves the way to a second Holocaust and should pay for her crimes.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 09:10:05 AM by StopArabOccupation »

Offline Secularbeliever

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Something that bothers me about some posts is that there are some who curse people very lightly and in some cases have no idea what they are talking about.  I consider cursing someone a serous matter.  Caroline has opposed all the expulsions including Gush Katif. When you speak of Hamas lovers I have no idea (and wonder if you do) what you are talking about.
She did work on the Oslo negotiations during the Rabin regime.  I don't know what her role was.  She was barely out of school at the time and just out of the Army so it is safe to say she had no decision making authority.  Her experience convinced her that Oslo was a mistake.  That is deserving of praise nout curses.
We all need to pray for Barack Obama, may the Lord provide him a safe move back to Chicago in January 2,013.

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: Netanyahu is another fool who wants to surrender everything. CAROLINE GLICK
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2010, 09:38:38 AM »
Caroline Glick is a typical Bolshevik hypocrite. She was part of the team sent by the Communist regime to "negotiate" with the Arab invader which Jews should die now (Judean, Samarian, Gazan and Jerusalemite Jews) and which should die later ("Green Line" Jews).

She should die of cancer for the sake of the Jewish people.

I think you are too hard on her. She made mistakes in the past but she has changed for the better over the years. I have read many of her articles and I often get the feeling that she could be won over to a Kahanist agenda because it seems to me that, deep in her heart, she is a true zionist.
It is true though that she still shies away from speaking loud and clear, as if she was afraid to draw the ultimate conclusions of what she says. This is probably because she is part of the establishment and she doesn't have the courage to become marginalized. There is still some Galut mentality left in her but I believe she could join us if we became a mass movement.

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: Netanyahu is another fool who wants to surrender everything. CAROLINE GLICK
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2010, 09:40:15 AM »
Something that bothers me about some posts is that there are some who curse people very lightly and in some cases have no idea what they are talking about.  I consider cursing someone a serous matter.  Caroline has opposed all the expulsions including Gush Katif. When you speak of Hamas lovers I have no idea (and wonder if you do) what you are talking about.
She did work on the Oslo negotiations during the Rabin regime.  I don't know what her role was.  She was barely out of school at the time and just out of the Army so it is safe to say she had no decision making authority.  Her experience convinced her that Oslo was a mistake.  That is deserving of praise nout curses.

+ 1

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Re: Netanyahu is another fool who wants to surrender everything. CAROLINE GLICK
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2010, 09:45:29 AM »
I am not sure I would consider her part of the establishment.  She met her husband through Nadia Matar who met him when he got her released from jail that resulted from one of her imprisonments.  Caroline has been close to Bibi although as this essay shows she does not spare him when he deserves it.  I don't agree with her all of the time but I think she is a national treasure of the Jewish people.
We all need to pray for Barack Obama, may the Lord provide him a safe move back to Chicago in January 2,013.

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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Re: Netanyahu is another fool who wants to surrender everything. CAROLINE GLICK
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2010, 10:10:12 AM »
This woman is a modern day hero.  She deserves respect for the courage she has shown for challenging the establishment that is more determined than ever to return to Abba Iben's proverbial 'auschwitz lines.'.  Peepee is the traitor here, Mrs. Glick is trying to be our Esther in a sea of Kapo's looking to make a name for themselves at the expense of the Jewish people and state.