I am trying to expand what I listen to. I would like to learn more about Jewish music.
-I like Klezmer music [Ashkenazi?], but I am not really familiar with any specific artists.
-I am also interested in what Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews have listened to over the years, or Jews from anywhere for that matter.
-I know I like an artist who goes by, Mordechai ben David, and he is from Israel [he has sort of a modern sound, but its religious].
-Debbie Friedman is cool sometimes, and I have also heard songs in Hebrew played to nylon string guitars that I like... though I cannot remember any specific nylon guitar playing Jews specifically by name.
-If you have a recommendation it does not need to be strictly traditional, I sometimes like heavy metal and electronic music as well [not hiphop though, although I like a few Matisyahu songs].
If you can help me out it with discovering some new good Jewish music I would really appreciate it.
Todah Rabbah!