Author Topic: Lying qurananimal and Arab groups FBI proves hate crimes against muzzies low  (Read 546 times)

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ISLAMIC LIES ALERT: FBI Just Released 2009 Hate Crime Stats...again completely debunking myth of anti-Islamic backlash in the U.S.
FBI: Hate crimes against Muslims rare - Atlas Shrugs
Aug 28, 2010 ... Muslim Brotherhood front, Hamas funder CAIR tries to club non-Muslims over the head with this non-existent "backlash" and "hate crimes" ...
Hate Crime - Atlas Shrugs
Oct 17, 2010 ... Atlas readers know I am fiercely against the idea of "hate crime." All crime is hate and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Soft Jihad: "Hate" Crimes Provision is an assault on Free Speech ...
Oct 29, 2009 ... Let me state clearly and plainly for the record, all crime is hate crime. All crime is an act against society. Period.
Hate lies

Incidents, Offenses, Victims, and Known Offenders
by Bias Motivation, 2009
Bias motivation    Incidents    Offenses    Victims1    Known offenders2
Total    6,604    7,789    8,336    6,225
Single-Bias Incidents    6,598    7,775    8,322    6,219
Race:    3,199    3,816    4,057    3,241
Anti-White    545    652    668    753
Anti-Black    2,284    2,724    2,902    2,160
Anti-American Indian/Alaskan Native    65    84    87    88
Anti-Asian/Pacific Islander    126    147    149    108
Anti-Multiple Races, Group    179    209    251    132
Religion:    1,303    1,376    1,575    586
Anti-Jewish    931    964    1,132    353
Anti-Catholic    51    55    59    25
Anti-Protestant    38    40    42    17
Anti-Islamic    107    128    132    95
Anti-Other Religion    109    119    131    51
Anti-Multiple Religions, Group    57    60    68    38
Anti-Atheism/Agnosticism/etc.    10    10    11    7
Sexual Orientation:    1,223    1,436    1,482    1,394
Anti-Male Homosexual    682    798    817    817
Anti-Female Homosexual    185    216    227    197
Anti-Homosexual    312    376    391    349
Anti-Heterosexual    21    21    21    14
Anti-Bisexual    23    25    26    17
Ethnicity/National Origin:    777    1,050    1,109    934
Anti-Hispanic    483    654    692    649
Anti-Other Ethnicity/National Origin    294    396    417    285
Disability:    96    97    99    64
Anti-Physical    25    25    25    25
Anti-Mental    71    72    74    39
Multiple-Bias Incidents3    6    14    14    6

    * 1 The term victim may refer to a person, business, institution, or society as a whole.

I wonder what the anti-Islamic number really is -- considering that many of the incidents have been found to have been committed by muslims. Stay classy, CAIR.

Shrieking CAIR Harpies -- Dust Porky for Prints!

    Cair pig
    FBI Releases 2009 Hate Crime Statistics

    Today, the FBI released 2009 statistics which indicated that 6,604 criminal incidents involving 7,789 offenses were reported as a result of bias toward a particular race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, or physical or mental disability. Hate Crime Statistics, 2009, published by the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program, includes data from hate crime reports submitted by law enforcement agencies throughout the nation.

    Hate Crime Statistics, 2009, includes the following information:

        * Of the 6,598 single-bias incidents, 48.5 percent were motivated by a racial bias, 19.7 percent were motivated by a religious bias, 18.5 percent were motivated by a sexual-orientation bias, and 11.8 percent were motivated by an ethnicity/national origin bias. Bias against a disability accounted for 1.5 percent of single-bias incidents.
        * There were 4,793 hate crime offenses classified as crimes against persons in 2009. Intimidation accounted for 45.0 percent of crimes against persons, simple assaults for 35.3 percent, and aggravated assaults for 19.1 percent. Other offenses, including nine forcible rapes and eight murders, accounted for the remainder.
        * There were 2,970 hate crime offenses classified as crimes against property; most of these (83.0 percent) were acts of destruction/damage/vandalism. The remaining 17.0 percent of crimes against property consisted of robbery, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, and other offenses.
        * An analysis of data for single-bias hate crime incident victims revealed that 48.8 percent were targeted because of the offender’s bias against a race, 18.9 percent because of a bias against a religious belief, 17.8 percent because of a sexual orientation bias, 13.3 percent because of an ethnicity/national origin bias, and 1.2 percent because of a disability bias.
        * Of the 6,225 known offenders, 62.4 percent were white, 18.5 percent were black, 7.3 percent were groups made up of individuals of various races (multiple races, group), 1.0 percent were American Indian/Alaskan Native, and 0.7 percent were Asian/Pacific Islander. The race was unknown for the remaining known offenders.
        * The largest percentage (31.3 percent) of hate crime incidents occurred in or near homes. In addition, 17.2 percent took place on highways, roads, alleys, or streets; 11.4 percent happened at schools or colleges; 6.1 percent in parking lots or garages; and 4.3 percent in churches, synagogues, or temples. The remaining 29.7 percent of hate crime incidents took place at other specified locations, multiple locations, or other/unknown locations.

    Hate Crime Statistics, 2009 is available exclusively on the FBI’s website. Printed copies of the publication are no longer available.

Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03