Hi all and Shalom,
I'm from Denmark and I'm not a Christian or Jewish. I'm very open minded and have researched reality for the past 10 years.
I thought Israel was the aggressor regarding Gaza. It all changed when my father got a job in Israel as a diplomat. He told me I was wrong. At first I thought he had been brainwashed, before he was allowed access to Israel. I did my own research and I was shocked how different the reality is, compared to the western mainstream media illusions.
I discovered the Gaza twilight zone and saw all their manipulative victim role attacks they do against Israel together with the mainstream media that reports it as the truth.
Hamas is brainwashing children to blow them selves up and kill Jews. They believe they go to heaven, when they do that. The Gaza population is working together with the western/Arab mainstream media to create an illusion Israel is like a tyrannic Nazi state, when it is all based on deception. That is why many people are anti-Israel.
Youtube"hamas children","real gaza","gaza waterpark","gaza mall","pallywood"
Gaza + western media push for a "peace treaty", so Gaza can position them selves better and damage Israel more when the "peace" collapses. That is why it is very important Israel doesn't allow this "peace" and expose the lies told by the western media and Gaza.
9/11 was done by an Elite that has been in control for a very long time. I believe they are the main reason Jews have been attacked and blamed throughout history, because this Elite is a Satanic bloodline back from Babylon, Egypt and Sumeria.
This bloodline is in control of most of the system and they want to set up a Luciferian 1 world government. They are aiming for a clash of the civilizations, where they play Jews, Christians and Muslims out against each other in a Judgement day scenario. They where also behind the Nazi regime:
"How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power"
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar"Recruited by MI5: the name's Mussolini. Benito Mussolini
Documents reveal Italian dictator got start in politics in 1917 with help of £100 weekly wage from MI5"
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/oct/13/benito-mussolini-recruited-mi5-italyIf Jews are left alone from all the haters, they would create worldwide Shalom. Because they are a good spiritual, strong, loving, peaceful people and the total opposite of this Satanic Elite. That is why they always have been under attack.
What to do about it? Face the truth and expose it. Then we can get this planet on track and can create global Shalom and a paradise.
I'm absolutely passionate defender of Jews and Israel and spread the truth everywhere. I write to the media, politicians, blogs, forums etc. If more people did that and showed the anti-Israel conspiracy to everyone, people would wake up to the truth and let go of their negative feelings about Israel.
Alex Jones is a good guy. He has not woken up to the anti-Israel conspiracy yet. But he will in time! I have written to him many times and showed him examples of the Gaza lies. But he is mostly on target with many other things:
Gaza food market?

Gaza food market?

Laura-Gaza is a concentration camp - Booth in Gaza:

Great movie about the Obama deception.