I am a Catholic.
I've been working with JTF since before this board existed - more than 10 years now. I run
JTFarchive.org, through which members can access more than 800 shows going back nearly 10 years. So far this year I've served up more than 2 million pages on jtfarchive.org, averaging nearly 1GB a day - often 10-20,000 shows per day. I pay for the web hosting and bandwidth out of my own pocket to help the cause. It has not cost JTF one penny.
Catholics have been involved in JTF since before this board existed. Go back and listen to the terrified shows by Sean Reilly and others.
It saddens me when people post stuff in the forum bashing the Catholic church or Catholics. I personally do not whitewash anything the Church did in the past. And I certainly will state that for every liberal self-hating Jew, there is a liberal socialist hippie Catholic (or ten) who wants to sing kum-by-yah while a Muslim holds a scimitar at his throat.
what is the purpose of these threads? Chaim has stated that Catholics are welcome and has given many examples of working with Catholics in the past. These threads do not help the movement.
Please, people, always ask yourself: "does what I'm posting help the movement?"We have many fundamentalist Christians in the movement. I don't necessarily see eye-to-eye with them theologically, but the importance of JTF's success is
much, much bigger than these differences. I honor and respect all who work for JTF.
Let's focus on saving Israel and America and worry about our differences once that's accomplished.